Monday, May 21, 2012

THE BILLBOARD MUSIC AWARDS, and a lot of catching up!

The answer to Friday's Howard Stern Trivia Question: Ben and Rae Stern are Howard's parents
FIRST FIVES: Lillian Doremus, Karen Hadley, Neil Strahl, James Gabriele, & Rich Carruba

Thursday's Broadcast Top 5

Thursday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5

Thursday's Cable Top 5
SWAMP PEOPLE-History 1.5/4.1
AMERICAN DAD-Adult Swim .8/2.1

Thursdays Cable Trendrr Top 5
NHL PLAYOFFS-NBC Sports 40,223
SWAMP PEOPLE-History 29,301
PUNK'D-MTV 28,578

Friday's Broadcast Top 5
GRIMM-NBC 1.6/5.3
20/20-ABC 1.2/4.4

Friday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 4 (There were only 4 Primetime Shows listed)
GRIMM-NBC 61,267
NIKITA-CW 55,158

Friday's Cable Top 5

Friday's Cable Trendrr Top 5
WWE-Syfy 55,296

-Did you happen to catch the BILLBOARD MUSIC AWARDS last night?  Or should I call it the battle of the lip sync'ers vs. the actually talented musicians.  Look, I love watching Justin Bieber, and Usher, and was actually looking forward to Carly Rae Jepsen, but the fact of the matter is that none of these "acts" actually sung last night...they barely lip sank...they ran around, they danced (pretty well) they had a lot of "stuff" going on around them, but it was only when the really talented took the stage that magnified their use of technology even more.  Say what you will, but John Legend, Jordin Sparks, Carrie Underwood, Linkin Park, Stevie Wonder & Alicia Keys...can actually sing!  It also really gets me angry when Chris Brown not only takes the stage, and lip sync's but wins awards for NOT singing!  I love award shows...I do...I will never not watch them, but c'mon really???  I love Justin Bieber, but we have now witnessed  two performances of his current single "Boyfriend" that have sucked (this one and the one on THE VOICE), maybe sing a different song???'re his manager...manage him!  Couple of other notes on the show:
  • What diet did Kelly Clarkson go on?  She looked amazing!
  • Katy Perry's performance was sort of a rip off of Pink's from another show right?
  • I guess Miley's trying desperately to change her image with that slutty
  • Brandy's attempt at trying to look like Donna Summer was pretty good.
  • Wiz Khalifa deserves a standing ovation?
  • CeeLo's one legged dancer should probably audition for AMERICA'S GOT TALENT
  • The Wanted are not as cute as One Direction
  • The only person they could get to pay tribute to Donna Summer was Natasha Bedingfield?
  • Why didn't anyone tell Zoey Deschanel that those black tights were horrible?
 -At 9pm, I paused the BBM's and went over to the current best show on television...GAME OF THRONES for another very enjoyable hour, only to realize that there are only 2 more very enjoyable hours of the show left.  How did that happen?  Man that went fast!  Looks like war is actually upon us though and my awesome LP, Peter Dinklage/Tyrion appears to be leading his soldiers to battle.  SPOILER ALERT:  Of course Bran and his protectors aren't had to know that one, but what does that mean about Theon then?  Good guy undercover as bad guy or bad guy just doing the best he can with what he has?  

-I didn't watch, but congrat's to SPOILER ALERT: Arsenio Hall for winning this season's CELEBRITY APPRENTICE.  If you can see me Arsenio, I am waving my hand in the air and doing the whoop whoop in your honor.  I feel bad for Clay though...even though I didn't watch, I heard he came across pretty strong throughout the show.  In my book you're a winner too Clay!

-Last on my agenda for last night was REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NJ which I just cannot believe could actually get worse, and even more embarrassing.  The very first scene of Joe Giudice and Theresa in their car where he tells pretty much everyone including his wife to go F themselves and shut up was just disgusting.  I would say thank goodness the kids aren't around, but the damage was very much apparent when Gia had a meltdown at Jaqueline's "Field Day" extravaganza.  I'm also a bit annoyed by the entire issue with Lauren's's ridiculous.  She takes no real responsibility for the fact that she eats a lot...just watch all the past season's episodes, she is surrounded by way too much food all the time! Caroline says she was always tiny...has she looked at the tapes from Season 1??? She wasn't so tiny then!  Then we learn that Albert got the lap band surgery which is how he got so thin after Season 1.  They all seem to think that Albie is this major stud and is so good looking.  Sure he's cute, but not THAT cute!  Seriously...I just don't know what it is that makes me keep watching...I think it's been drilled into my head that you I have to finish what I'm in until the end.

-Just some quick notes on all of the other shows I caught up on over the weekend (you can get a lot done when your kid is away for a few days):

-Have to admit, Mick Jagger was great on SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE don't cha think?  It was a nice send off for Kristen Wiig too.  I actually got a tiny bit choked up at her final dance with her castmates and Lorne Michaels. Ratings wise, it doesn't look like the show did that well compared to the previous week with Will Farrell, but Mick is 68 years old and many of his fans apparently didn't remember to tune in and probably don't know how to set their DVR's.

-Howard and Beth Stern were great on THE TALK last week.  Howard took over the table and dominated all 5 women for all 3 of the segments he was a part of.  He was adorably flirtatious with Sharon Osbourne.  Not sure if it was a bit or not, but Beth said that she was actually a bit jealous of their relationship... Howard's suggestion to get over this issue...a threesome.  It was a good appearance but I think THE VIEW was my fave of all of them.

-Two days worth of ridiculous Kelly outfits on LIVE WITH KELLY.  On Thursday she had on this purple dust ruffle sleeveless top with a Laura Ashley print tablecloth looking skirt.  Chris Harrison was back and talking more Bachelor/Bachelorette, so I lasted about 5 minutes. Friday was a lavender blouse with another flowery skirt for Kelly, but Reggie Bush who can barely get two words together was Kelly's co-host.  I didn't last much longer than Thursday, but I did love how Kelly kinda of threw out there that she had been to see Maroon 5 the night before with her daughter, her friend Jessica and Jessica's daughter Sasha...uh...duh you mean Jessica and Sasha Seinfeld???  I think so...

-For all of you Tim Riggins/FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS fans, who also want a sleepover with Jimmy Fallon...oh, wait, that's me...well, it is my blog and I do think this is a funny segment anyway...check out Jimmy and Taylor Kitsch playing donut hockey...I love both of these guys so much, I could care less who won, but at least now I have more ideas for what Jimmy and I can do when he sleeps over!

-The RULES OF ENGAGEMENT finale did not include the birth of Jeff and Audrey's kid, but a horrible baby shower instead.  It was a hilarious episode though, again...Nina Tassler...did you watch the show this week...if you did, you wouldn't be on the bubble about renewing it!  Jeff's purchase of maternity jeans and his use of all baby products in order to eat and drink to his hearts content, Russell's experiment to give up women for a week and reveal that he is really a genius...great episode...RENEW THIS SHOW NINA!

-AWESOME season finale of ONCE UPON A TIME!  I am guessing a SPOILER ALERT is not needed since I am about a week late on this one, but HOLY COW!  Emma believes, the curse is broken, Snow finds Charming, everyone wakes up, the chick from LOST and Rumplestilskin are back together but...NO HAPPY ENDING!  Instead...a HUGE purple cloud that brings magic to Storybrooke and we have NO idea what that means exactly...Great twist!

-I really do love JENNY GARTH: A LITTLE BIT COUNTRY...I do.  It makes me want to live on a farm, and I find myself filled with sympathy for Jenny and her family and all they are going through.  I feel for her and really want to go up to Northern California and move into that gulfstream and use power tools with her.  This week, Jenny's nutty assistant Corinne was trying to help Jenny get rid of her anger.  First she tried scream therapy, but Jenny thought she was a lunatic.  Then she tried boxing but Jenny ended up knocking Corinne on her ass, and then paintball...Jenny is obviously VERY angry and I'm pretty sure if she was using real bullets instead of paintballs, Corinne would no longer be with us.  The bruises she incurred were INSANE!  So then, Jenny decided to build a tree house instead.  She feels better,Corinne didn't incur any bodily harm and the family has a cool tree house to play in.  It's a good show you guys...really!

-Great episodes of TANKED this weekend...for any of you newcomers, there was a marathon on Saturday night and even I caught up on a few episodes I hadn't seen before.(Yeah...that's what I did with my no kid Saturday night...I know, I know)  My favorite though was the one that the gang built in a refrigerator for some friends on Long Island who own an appliance store. They included all sorts of food props and were able to actually have fresh drinking water come out of the door!   I know a lot of you watched this weekend...which tank was your favorite?

Some interesting App facts from Nielsen: 

  •  Android and iOS users account for 88% of those who have downloaded an app in the past month,
  •  The average number of apps per smartphone has risen 28% in the past year from 32 apps to 41.
  •  Users are now spending about 10% more time on apps than on the mobile web, when compared to last  year. 
  • The top five apps continue to be Facebook, YouTube, Android Market (now Google Play), Google Search, and Gmail
  • Smartphone owners are only spending 2 more minutes on average per day on apps (39 minutes in 2012 versus 37 in 2011). 
Some additional facts from the IAB: 
  • 63% of media-savvy consumers use a connected device while watching live TV 
  • 66% do the same when watching recorded programming on DVRs. 
  • 15% of respondents use more than one device while watching TV
  • 23% use more than one device when watching a recorded program. 
  • Smartphones (45% of respondents) were the multitasking device of choice when interacting online about a TV show, followed by the tablet (30%) and the computer (21%).
  • Multiscreen viewers are more likely to use their smartphone (37%) than tablet (16%) or computer (18%) to discuss TV commercials on social networks, blogs, forums, and/or over text/email/IM.
  • Overall, there are more multiscreen viewers who are watching TV but are performing activities on their devices that are not related to the TV content. However, the number of viewers that perform TV content related activities is substantial, according to the report.

-It is official, the creator of COMMUNITY has been fired from the show.  I don't really get how that happens.  I know it happens often, but since the show was only renewed for a 1/2 season and sent to Friday's, it looks like there won't be much more of it anyway.  Dan Harmon the creator of COMMUNITY ranted a bit on his blog, but I would rant too if I was fired from MY show. 

-Congratulations go out to Patricia Chan and Mark Zuckerberg who tied the knot this weekend at a surprise wedding at their home in Silicon Valley.  I have read everything I could and don't know if there was a pre-nup.  Patricia's now a doctor, as the wedding was also her graduation from med school celebration, so maybe she didn't sign one?  Nahhhh I'm betting she did...I'll have to get back to you on that one.

-Last, but certainly not least, RIP Robin Gibb.  The Bee Gees and Saturday Night Fever were a huge part of my childhood.  Disco Fever was big in our home and between Donna Summer and now Robin Gibb I feel truly this sense of end of an era really.

Monday's Trivia Question:  I found this one out the other day on WATCH WHAT HAPPENS LIVE with Andy Cohen...I can't believe I didn't know this:  What famous Hollywood actress was competing against Marcia Brady for head cheerleader on THE BRADY BUNCH  and chanted..."1, 2 Tell me Who Are you? The Bears, 3, 4 Tell Me Who's gonna score? The Bears."  If you guys know this one, I will seriously be impressed!


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