-I guess E! didn't put a non-compete into Kelly Osbourne's contract. There she was with her lavender hair doing red carpet coverage for the VMA's. She didn't really talk fashion, there was some bizarro dude doing that…sort of, so maybe that part WAS in her contract? Pays to have Sharon Osbourne in your corner, doesn't it?
-What does SWAY do when he's not at an award show? Did he bag the dreds? Were they hiding in his hat? Is Sway, Sway without the dreds?
-Rebel Wilson isn't funny, or attractive in any way. Her pre-show outfit was hideous and her police bit later in the show was stupid and fell super flat. I honestly can't stand her.
-I have no idea who Jeremy Scott, the designer of this year's moon man trophy is, but every celeb seemed to know him. If I am right, all he did was paint the statue in rainbow colors, right ? How much does that pay?
-Why were awards given away during the Red Carpet? I guess MTV assumes we're all watching? Do you think Fall Out Boy and 5 Seconds of Summer were pissed that they got their award during the Pre-Show? I would be. Hard to clap, and dance if I'm holding a moon man during the entire show. Maybe they have people for that.
-Nick Jonas performed "Levels" right there on the red carpet and then went to the show and probably hung out all night with hot girls and drank Ciroc. What were Joe and Kevin doing last night? Kevin and Danielle were probably home putting the baby to bed and watching Big Brother, but Joe, where was he? Is the also a huge Big Brother fan?
-LOVED the new Taylor Swift "Wildest Dreams" video with the SUPER HOT Scott Eastwood. I think she just wanted an excuse to make out with him so she put him in her video. Damn that boy is GORGEOUS. Did you see The Longest Ride? YUMMMMMY. Here's the video if you missed or just want to watch it again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdneKLhsWOQ
2015 MTV VMA'S
-I'm not a Nicki Minaj fan. I pay attention because she just gives me SO much to work with. Sure she's got a few good tunes and yes it is the butt that is hypnotic and raises SO many questions for me. What is the sensation like when she walks? Does she need a special type of toilet? Can she wear clothes right off the rack? What about driving? I could go on and on. I thought Nicki and Taylor Swift were "at war" but I guess MTV was all about brokering peace last night. Nicki opened the show wearing a palm tree on her head and then Taylor came out (sans palm tree) and they performed together. Notice how I said PERFORMED and not sang, because they were lip syncing, but who even cared. I was just shocked seeing them together period.
-Macklemore and Ryan were back and performed their new song "Downtown" in Downtown LA. Very clever…"Downtown" in Downtown LA. I get it. There were so many other people involved in that performance though that I got a bit confused. Who was the guy doing most of the singing? Where was Ryan Lewis? Didn't Ben (aka Macklemore) look like he had on clown feet? What was everyone doing inside the Microsoft Arena while these guys (and all the other Downtown performances) were singing? Bathroom breaks, bar, blow?
-Miley Cyrus was a HUGE winner in my opinion last night. The girl can host, curse, and be practically naked and yet we don't hate her at all. She kept things flowing, she kept things interesting, her skits were hilarious. She seemed to be all about family, too. Her grandma and Billy Ray were both in videos and her Mom and siblings were in the house. How's THAT for a support system? I gotta give her credit. She definitely came out ahead this year and she wasn't even nominated for an award. She promised us crazy outfits and we got crazy outfits. All I wanted was more. Couldn't wait to see what she'd wear next. My favorite…the M&M thing. How does one even put that thing on? Whatever the Cyrus family did with regards to giving their daughter confidence and self esteem…GOOD JOB.
-I'll admit it right here right now, I love Justin Bieber's new song. We've been over playing it here at the beach and it was good to see him back on the VMA's. Miley liked his new swoop do. I didn't, but he wore a hat during his performance which was a good idea. The crowd seemed to be on his side, especially when he flew at the end. Not sure how I feel about the "spoken word" thing. Scooter should have nixed that part. In retrospect, maybe it was prep for Kanye's speech? Justin broke down in tears after his performance. At first I thought it was part of the act, and I'll admit, I checked the gifs and the video coverage to make sure I saw a tear or something. After much research I have come to the conclusion that the emotion and the tears were in fact REAL.
- Jared Leto's probably one of the coolest dudes out there right now.
- Theory: The Weekend's hair is a clip on that he takes on and off. No way that thing doesn't annoy the crap out of him, especially while he's driving and sleeping.
- Did you notice the two groups during The Weekend's performance of "I Can't Feel My Face": The Dancers: Taylor Swift, Kanye West, Selena Gomez and almost everyone else. The Non Dancers: The Kardashians, Chrissy Teigan and John Legend.
- Fun Fact: "I Can't Feel My Face" is about cocaine, not a girl.
- If Taylor and Nicki REALLY made up, how come Nicki walked right by her when she accepted her award, no eye contact, high five, fist bump, hug, nada? Hmmmmm
- How much do you think Apple paid John Travolta for that taxi cab cameo?
- Big Sean's really pretty tiny
- Rebel Wilson's just foul. FOUL. I SO don't get that she's made it at all. Don't give me the Pitch Perfect thing, that movie would have been fine without her.
- Was that White Squad commercial real? I'm afraid to Google it.
- I STILL confuse Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato. One did X Factor and One dated Bieber and is BFF's with TSwift. The one that performed last night was Demi, yeah…got it. She was good and I'm pretty sure, she (and Bieber) didn't lip sync.
- So much for peace…Nicki may have ended the TSwift thing but now, it's Miley vs. Nicki. Wonder what happened at the after party between those two.
- Was Kylie Jenner wearing underwear?
- Is there only one word in Pharell's song "Freedom" Did Adidas pay him a ton to brand his butt during that performance?
Before we get to Kanye…there were actually awards given out last night too. Not that many of course because videos aren't even played on MTV. Come to think of it, why doesn't MTV sell the show to Vevo and YouTube. That's where we all go to watch videos these days, isn't it? I digress…Here's the list of winners:
- BEST MALE VIDEO-Uptown Funk Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPf0YbXqDm0
- BEST ROCK VIDEO-Fall Out Boy "Uma Thurman "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VTxYQL2SbA
- BEST HIP HOP VIDEO-Anaconda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDZX4ooRsWs
- ARTIST TO WATCH - Fetty Wap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_kF4zLNKio
- BEST FEMALE VIDEO - Taylor Swift for "Blank Space" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-ORhEE9VVg
- BEST VIDEO with a Social Message-Big Sean "One Man Can Change the World" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBVotNefYME
- BEST VIDEO OF THE YEAR-Taylor Swift "Bad Blood" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcIy9NiNbmo
Okay, now…KANYE
WTF???? I am all over the place with my thoughts here. I don't even know how to organize them which is actually something Kanye would enjoy when you think about it, right? Kanye knew he was getting the Video Vanguard Award and yet he chose to dress like he just came from the beach, neglected to put on deodorant and he very obviously didn't prepare a speech.I'm sure he figured genius words would just spew from his mouth. MTV gave him quite a bit of airtime. Just the applause alone was a good 2-3 minutes. I might be missing the whole Kanye thing. Again, there are a few songs I like but for the most part, I don't get it, but I'm not his audience. The speech was all over the place. He's an artist, I got that part. Did he apologize for the Taylor Swift incident? I don't THINK so, but I'm not really sure what he was saying. Would he do it again? I don't THINK so but again, not sure what he actually said about that either. Was he pissed that MTV had Taylor present the award to him? I don't THINK so but I'm not sure. Kanye doesn't understand award shows. I sort of got what he was trying to say there, but then he and his entire Kardashian posse were there in the front row for his award, so he obviously understood it enough to book a limo and show up. I'm not a Kardashian fan, and I hate even typing anything about Kim and her clan but she's really not a great pregnant looking woman, is she? That outfit did her no justice and her boobs were a wreck. You need to watch the entire thing if you haven't seen it yet. It's truly must see TV. Here you go: http://www.mtv.com/ontv/vma/videos/video-vanguard-kanye-west/1233940/
Back to my vacation…be back full time on 9/8
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