Trivia Answer: Pam was the first receptionist on The Office (US) and she was replaced by Erin.
First Fives: Mike O'Dea, Dave DeSocio, Monica Caraffa, Bobby Aguilera & Chuck Chiocco
Honorable Mention: Jim Carter
Tuesday's Broadcast Top 5NCIS-CBS 2.0/15.3
NCIS New Orleans-CBS 1.7/12.1
Chicago Fire-NBC 1.6/7.7
American Idol: American Dream-FOX 1.4/5.9
The Voice-NBC 1.3/6.7
Tuesday's Cable Top 5
People vs OJ-FX 1.3/3.2
American Dad-Adult Swim .8/1.5
Womens NCAA-ESPN .7/2.9
NBA-TNT .7/1.6
Big Bang Theory-TBS .7/1.8
Tuesday's Social Media Top 5
Black Girls Rock-BET 215,000 Tweets
People vs. OJ-FX 62,000 Tweets
Shadowhunters-Freeform 57,000 Tweets
American Idol-FOX 38,000 Tweets
At Midnight-Comedy Central 26,000 Tweets
Lots on last night, but I had dinner with some of my favorite people and didn't get home until late. Tough decisions to make, but I landed on Survivor & The Goldbergs. Now I have a TON to catch up on! No regrets. Fun night, great friends & great food and this awesome cocktail I'm sort of obsessed with.
It's really hard at this point for me in the game because I'm not sure I like anyone at all with the exception of Tai. I can't stand Debbie, I can't stand Jason, I can't stand Scott, I can't stand Nick, I want to like Cydney, Julia, and even Aubry, but I just don't. So if Tai gets voted off at any point, I'm going to freak out. The reward challenge for me was a bit of an issue. Was it really a good idea for an ice cream reward? All that lactose into bodies that probably had a VERY hard time processing it. I can only imagine what went on after the winners finished their sundae's. Next poor decision of the night...Scott & Nick on the same team for the immunity challenge. Seemed completely unfair to me. Strength and height was an obvious advantage, I had a huge problem with that one. Good decision of the night...subtitles for Cydney. I complain when they use them for Tai because we can all understand every word he says, but Cydney, I had no idea what she was saying. The subtitles were a necessity and very helpful. Did anyone catch when Debbie came down off the post from the immunity challenge? She really looked like one of those neanderthal models at the Museum of Natural History that demonstrates our evolution from apes. She's really tough to look at but she did help blindside Nick and that was awesome. He's a self proclaimed cocky, arrogant a-hole who totally deserved an early exit. Well done women!
The Goldbergs

-Before TBS's new show The Detour even premieres, it's already gotten the green light for a 2nd season. Samantha Bee and Jason Jones must be celebrating big time! She's got a full season order, he's got 2 seasons, maybe they can get the bathroom remodeled or put a deposit on the Tesla. With this news, the can go with the S!
-As you know this blog is Kardashian free, but I have to report that Khloe's show Kocktails with Khloe has been cancelled 2 months after it had been renewed. Khloe's got plenty of dough so she probably already had the expensive Tesla and I'm sure her bathroom's in great shape, so put it behind you and move on Khloe.
-I did finish The People vs. OJ. last night too. What an awesome mini-series. So much I either didn't know or had forgotten completely. I know this sounds weird, but even though I knew the verdict, I was still watching and feeling suspense, like it would turn out different somehow. I had forgotten that it only took 4 hours and that there were only 2 jurors who thought OJ was guilty. The whole thing was crazy. Great mini-series. If you missed it, no worries, FX is running all 10 episodes this Saturday 4/9. DVR it, or just sit home and watch it all at once. It's so damn good!
Thursday's Trivia Question: Tonight is the last night EVER of American Idol. Which of these Idol contestants did NOT win their season:
Carrie Underwood
Chris Daughtry
Jordin Sparks
Clay Aiken
Jennifer Hudson
Kelly Clarkson
Katherine McPhee
Adam Lambert
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