Trivia Answer: Rory Gilmore, Serena Vanderwoodsen, Joan Girardi & Betty Suarez all starred in Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants together.
First Fives: Elke Raskob, Mike O'Dea, Andrea Jody, Karen Feldman & Rachel Snyder
Honorable Mention: Monica Caraffa
Friday's Broadcast Top 5Hawaii Five-0-CBS 1.2/8.8
Shark Tank-ABC 1.2/5.3
The Amazing Race-CBS 1.1/5.9
Hawaii Five-0-CBS 1.1/8.4
20/20-ABC .9/4.5
Friday's Cable Top 5
NBA Playoffs-ESPN 1.4/3.7
Big Bang Theory-TBS .8/2.2
Alaskan Bush People-Discovery .8/2.9
NHL Conference Finals-NBC Sports .7/1.7
American Dad-Adult Swim .6/1.3
Friday's Social Media Top 5
The Vampire Diaries-CW 29,000 Tweets
The Amazing Race-CBS 23,000 Tweets
The Originals-CW 19,000 Tweets
Hawaii Five-0-CBS 10,000 Tweets
Grimm-NBC 8,000 Tweets
Sunday's Broadcast Top 5
Family Guy-FOX 1.3/2.6
Once Upon a Time-ABC 1.2/4.0
The Simpsons-FOX 1.2/2.7
60 Minutes-CBS 1.0/10.7
Quantico-ABC 1.0/3.7
Sunday's Cable Top 5
Sunday's Social Media Top 5
Game of Thrones-HBO 200,000 Tweets
Nuestra Belleza Latina-Univision 94,000 Tweets
Fear the Walking-AMC 26,000 Tweets
Keeping Up With the Kardashians-E! 25,000 Tweets
Quantico-ABC 19,000 Tweets
Live with Kelly
SPOILER ALERT: Oscar killed Mayfair. She should have stayed under house arrest, but of course everyone on TV who's ever been put on house arrest figures out a way to get the bracelet off and leave the house. Martha Stewart wasn't able to do it but TV characters can all do it with no problem. Kurt's Dad finally died, but he had some juicy last words, he admitted to killing Taylor Shaw which means...Jane's not Taylor. Dun dun dunnnnnn. Kurt's the new director even though he doesn't want to be and the Jane Doe project is over. So now what? Guess we wait and see what happens in next weeks Season Finale. Cliffhanger for the show and cliffhanger for me...not sure if I'm going to renew this shows Season Pass.
-This is Carpool Karaoke with James, Demi Lovato and Nick Jonas! FUN ONE GUYS!
NBCU Upfront Recap
Not sure if any of you guys followed my first attempt at live tweeting during the NBCU Upfront. Gotta admit it's not as easy as I thought it would be. It also distracted me a bit during the festivities but here's my recap:
- Loved having a mobile ticket for entry
- Was this the first year there was E! red carpet coverage?
- I love the thoughtfulness and generosity of the seatback covers and6At treats but Id think NBC would figure out a way to reuse or recycle...that Rio logo screws up that idea big time!
- Jimmy Fallon KILLED with a Hamilton spoof ripping his network and the upfront biz overall
- Steve Burke's better looking than I remembered
- One Unified Upfront, One Company, Together...GOT IT
- NBCU has spent 40 billion bucks on content over the past 5 years which is more than what Comcast paid to buy NBC
- Of the 61 big nights of Live event television...NBCU had 47 of them
- Linda Yaccarino went with the short dress, cute curls and some crazy cool heels. She dissed YouTube, didn't use the word data and only mentioned the Olympics once.
- Not sure I understood the whole segment by fan base thing but it didn't really matter
- Audience Targeting Platform aka ATP guarantees for all who know how to use the info and do it right
- Do we think Amazon paid for the live Upfront product integration?
- Jamie Alexander's gorgeous even when her hair isn't
- New show Timeless looks confusing but time travel is tough for me in general
- The Elizabeth Hurley fishing clip and the Mark Lazarus cupcake clip were stolen from the movie The Big Short. Still cute and clever but lets give credit where credit is due
- Love Kristen Bell but not sure the concept for her new show The Good Place has legs
- Tina Fey show, Great News, looks reallllly good
- Trial and Error with John Lithgow, Sheri Shepherd and the hot dude from Masters of Sex looks good need to see the full episode
- Khloe Kardashian looks like Big Foot next to her tiny sister Kourtney
- Not sure the Buzzworthy show category was filled with truly Buzzworthy shows
- Milo Ventimiglia's naked butt was on the big screen at the Upfront now that's added value
- This is Us...what's the twist?
- Falling Water is way too scary for me...I'm a wimp
- My husband will love Krypton even though the teaser told us nothing about it
- Emerald City's not my thing at all. Fun Fact: I've never seen The Wizard of Oz all the way through
- Miley Cyrus and Alicia Keys looked like they rolled out of bed and threw on whatever was lying on their floor from the night before
- Loud drums, feathery dancers and glow in the dark soccer dudes woke us up as we were fading and also re-reminded us that the Olympics is only a couple of months away
- Wonder what time JLo had to get up to look that good so early in the morning
- I better learn Spanish, there's a drug lord show on Telemundo that looks really good
- Ahhhnold was in da house for Celebrity Apprentice
- John Cena has massive hands
- Vanessa Hudgens new show, Powerless, looks pretty good and I'm not into comics and superheroes at all
- My So Called Wife seems a lot like The Catch on ABC
- The Arrangement must have a twist, otherwise, the premise makes zero sense. Josh Henderson would never need to pay anyone to marry him
- Mariah Carey was carried out like Cleopatra and the room barely reacted. Tough crowd
- Seth Meyers skewered the Upfronts, the network, his bosses etc. Biggest laughs of the morning
- Loved the Friday Night Lights Shout Out
- After 2 hours...LUNCH!
I had a bit of an issue with my technology yesterday and had to head home before the FOX Upfront. I wasn't worried because I had registered for the live stream just in case something "suddenly came up" and guess what...the live stream didn't work. Sooooo here's what I read and heard about during the live stream but none of it was witnessed first hand:
- Toby Byrne dissed YouTube (that's two for the day)
- Jussie Smollett aka Jamal from Empire sang with Cookie, Hakeem, Ne-Yo and Tiana
- FOX is promising more hours of original programming
- Rocky Horror Picture Show Live is going to be a big deal
- Megyn Kelly's getting more time on the network and promoted her own Trump special
- APB was getting the thumbs up from folks in the building
- People who aren't even into sports were loving The Pitch (TOTALLY looking forward to this one-can't wait to see the pilot!)
- For Superbowl 51 FOX is no longer using Roman numerals which means that there's nothing at all left that does use them other than expensive watches
- FOX admitted to making one of the biggest mistakes ever by cancelling The Grinder, but they did not apologize to me personally (none of that happened...they've admitted nothing)
Monday-Gotham & Lucifer
Tuesday-Brooklyn Nine Nine, New Girl & Scream Queens
Wednesday-Lethal Weapon & Empire
Thursday-Rosewood & Bones
Friday Hell's Kitchen & The Exorcist
Sunday Bobs Burgers, The Simpsons, Son of Zorn & Family Guy
FOX16/17 Midseason Lineup
Monday 24: Legacy & Gotham
Tuesday: New Girl/Brooklyn Nine Nine, The Mick, Kicking & Screaming/Pitch
Wednesday: Lethal Weapon /Shots Fired, Star
Thursday: Rosewood & Prison Break
Friday: Masterchef Junior/Sleepy Hollow
Saturday: Sports
Sunday: Bobs Burgers, Simpsons, Making History, Family Guy/Last Man on Earth
-With all the excitement, nobody really cared THAT much that CBS cancelled Rush Hour after barely 1 full season. How many episodes ran already? They DID renew Criminal Minds:Beyond Borders, The Odd Couple (happy for Matthew Perry), Code Black and Undercover Boss
NBC did renew The Carmichael Show for another 13 eps. No mention during the Upfront festivities but I swear it's true.
-Someone sent this to me last night. It's a SAVE THE GRINDER petition. I signed it. I didn't contribute any money or anything. It was on Rob Lowe's Twitter feed so I'm thinking it's the real deal. If there's even a remote chance of saving The Grinder...I'm in.
Tuesday's Trivia Question: What do Freaks & Geeks, The Grinder, My So Called Life & Firefly all have in common?
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