Madonna performed “Like a Virgin” on the very first MTV Video Music Awards
FIRST FIVES: Keith Grossman, Shawn Chekmayan, Matt Baker, Bill McLaughlin, & Shari Dabby
Friday’s Cable Top 5
GOLD RUSH-Discovery 1.9/4.7
GLC, IT’S CHRISTMAS-Disney 1.1/6.8
Sunday’s Broadcast Top 5
Sunday’s Broadcast Trendrr Top 5
Sunday’s Cable Top 5
Still not available
Sunday’s Cable Trendrr Top 5
-The writers for HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER really know how to get us don’t they? They left us hanging last week, when Robin told Barney she was pregnant and then this week they open with Robin telling a set of different kids than we are all used to, how she told their Dad that she was pregnant. The whole episode I am freaking out thinking Robin and Barney get together and have twins (the kids looked to be the same age…and you know everyone on TV has twins…especially if the show is about to jump the shark) and then another curve ball thrown, sharp jumping cancelled…SPOILER ALERT…those kids weren’t real, Robin isn’t pregnant, and she can’t even have kids…so instead of laughing…I am now crying. Not at all what I expected from the episode or the show in general, but amazing writing and a great way to keep us all on our toes.
-I honestly don’t even remember anything about 2 ½ MEN last night because the last 10 minutes, Ashton was in nothing but a pair of boxers…no idea what happened, just…boxers…fine by me really…he can be in boxers every week, I can have no idea of the storyline and I will keep watching…betting the ratings did well too…let’s see if I am right…
-While I was watching all of my shows, my husband, who called me in the car on the way home to remind me to remind him not to miss AMERICAN CHOPPER on Discovery last night, came upstairs to tell me who awesome his show was. Apparently there was a challenge between the OC guy and Jesse James. All I know is this had to be a pretty big deal, because my husband NEVER comments on how amazing a show is etc. But he loved this special and he doesn’t care what Jesse did to Sandra Bullock, he thinks that his fabrication skills, engineering ability and mechanic skills are just mind blowing. It was so cute to see him so excited over a TV show and have a bit of a bromance at the same time. Totally not my thing, but for any of you who are car/motorcycle enthusiasts…Rich Carruba strongly recommends seeing this show!
-Lots of REAL HOUSEWIVES OF BEVERLY HILLS info to report today. First, Kim Richards has checked into rehab…why it took so long, no idea, but I hope she gets it together this time. She has a million kids who need her and by the look of things, they could be taken away if she doesn’t get well. Last night, Kim wasn’t in the show at all except to show how she knows how to do laundry…odd…but nice to see that even with all her problems her clothes are clean. So much went on last night…hard to recap it all…let’s start with the planning of Pandora “Pandy” Vanderpumps’ wedding…can it get anymore insane? Last night, Kevin (aka the real Franz from FATHER OF THE BRIDE) had table settings set up on the tennis courts for Lisa and “Pandy” to choose from. Pink, Pink and more Pink…with lots of bling. Loved how Adrienne and Brandi went out to lunch, ordered one personal pizza to eat between the two of them and ate it all with a fork and a knife. That must be how all the BH Housewives stay thin…they lunch, but they order nothing and eat nothing. Kyle was throwing a pretty laid back Cinco De Mayo party where we got to meet Justin, her ladysitter…what exactly is a Ladysitter? Does he take care of the ladies or the kids? No clue. Last note on the show…well sort of…Brandi threw a nice party at a borrowed Malibu beach house before all of the usual party drama began, the woman all had a belly dancing lesson where Kyle let loose and not only showed us all what she’s got, but also demonstrated her ability to do a perfect split…best comment of the evening…”now we know why Kyle’s still married”. Of course there can’t be a BH party without drama, so Taylor went insane as usual and had to leave the party.
-As you know, I am a bit obsessed with Adrienne Maloof. I looked into how her family made its money…Beer. Yep that’s how it all started. Adrienne’s Dad pretty much owned all the beer distribution for the entire state of New Mexico at one point and then ventured out into other businesses, like owning basketball teams, hotels, casinos etc. They purchased the Fiesta Casino in Las Vegas for 10MM and sold it for 185MM pretty good ROI. In addition, they own a production company, a music company and they are one of the largest shareholders of Wells Fargo bank…now she is adding a shoe line to the family biz…again…Adrienne…adopt me please.
-Checked out the host chat on LIVE WITH KELLY today…thumbs down to Derek Hough…didn’t like him at all in the other chair…sorry.
-Top 5 new shows based on Live + 7 TOTAL VIEWERS
NEW GIRL which goes from 8.2MM to 11MM viewers
TERRA NOVA which goes from 7.9MM to 10.6MM viewers
PERSON OF INTEREST which goes from 12.1MM to 14.7MM viewers
UNFORGETTABLE which goes from 11.9MM to 14.4MM viewers
ONCE UPON A TIME which goes from 11.8MM to 14.3MM viewers
-Top 5 new shows based on Live + 7 RA18-49
NEW GIRL which goes from a 5.0 to a 6.4
TERRA NOVA which goes from a 2.7 to a 3.9
ONCE UPON A TIME which goes from a 3.9 to a 5.0
2 BROKE GIRLS which goes from a 4.8 to a 5.8
REVENGE which goes from a 2.7 to a 3.7
-I haven’t seen it yet, but last night was the AMERICAN COUNTRY AWARDS on FOX. Is it my imagination or are there a lot of Country Music Award shows? With this one added to the mix, I count another 3 that are specifically country, the ACMs, the CMAs, and the CMTs, not to mention all the awards recognizing country music in the GRAMMY’S, the AMERICAN MUSIC AWARDS and the PEOPLES CHOICE AWARDS. These Country Music people need a lot of recognition and accolades for some reason huh and I am guessing they need extra rooms in their houses for all of these trophies.
-Since I am a Mom and I am a huge lover of my mobile devices, I thought I would share some of these Mobile Mom facts on this lovely Tuesday morning…
· Total Adult Mom Population-15% (That’s me)
· 36.1 million Moms in the US with children under the age of 18 (Thank goodness that isn’t me)
· 45% of US Moms have children under the age of 6 (Thank goodness that isn’t me)
· 67% of Millenial Moms (18-32 not me again) weekday activities include the use of their mobile phones
· 71% of Gen Xers (33-46 me!) activities include the use of their mobile phones
· 36% of Baby Boomers (47-64) activities include the use of their mobile phones
· 94.5% of Moms (33.5 million) are internet users (that would be me)
· 76.2% of Moms (27.5 million) are social network users (that would be me)
· 66.2% of Moms (23.9 million) are Facebook users (so me)
· Total Mom Buying Power represents 2.4 Trillion Dollars a year! (I guess I contribute…but probably a only a teeny tiny bit)
-Tuesday’s Trivia Question: I am hoping I haven’t asked this already…so forgive me if I have…Kim Richards, currently in rehab, first became famous for her role in THE NANNY AND THE PROFESSOR…name her character.
-With just 25 days left of the INVITE A FRIEND contest, I have 261 readers as of today…come on guys I know with your help I can get to 300 by the 31st…get your friends in and win!
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