Monday, February 27, 2012


The answer to Friday’s Oscar Trivia Question: The King’s Speech won last year for Best Picture
Bobby Aguilera, Tara Dowling, Elizabeth Murphy, Todd Petrich, & Brendan Hoey

Thursday’s Broadcast Top 5
ROB-CBS 3.0/10.6

Thursday’s Broadcast Trendrr Top 5

Thursday’s Cable Top 5
SWAMP PEOPLE-History 1.7/4.3

Thursday’s Cable Trendrr Top 5
SWAMP PEOPLE-History 25,059
30 ROCK-Comedy Central 17,530
ARCHER-FX 16,673

Friday’s Broadcast Top 5
GRIMM-NBC 1.5/4.7

Friday’s Broadcast Trendrr Top 5
GRIMM-NBC 27,300
NIKITA-CW 15,726

Friday’s Cable Top 5
NA Yet

Friday’s Cable Trendrr Top 5
WWE-Syfy 48,102
DEGRASSI-Teen Nick 25,326
SPARTACUS-Starz 21,882

-Let’s just set the stage for my Oscar viewing last night…Chinese food ordered (tradition of Peking Duck out the window since my place didn’t have it on hand, so substitute was General Tso’s Chicken), sweats, super soft blanket, family room, big screen, husband, dogs, pad & paper for notes, cell phone for texting, checking Facebook & Twitter, and Ipad for Viggle and Oscar App…CHECK
·         Apparently white is the new black, which I am happy with…I loved all of the white dresses, and I am guessing that all of the designers put some sort of stuff on the inside to insure that the spray tan remnants don’t leave stains?
·         My favorites were: Gwyneth Paltrow, Shailene Woodley, J-Lo (before the wardrobe malfunction), Milla Jovavich, & Octavia Spencer
·         Stacy Kiebler looked exactly like what she is…a trophy girlfriend. 
·         Melissa McCarthy looked TERRIBLE
·         Everyone on Twitter and on TV loved Michelle Williams red/coral whatever color it was dress…me…not so much, but she looked gorgeous anyway
·         I didn’t like Viola Davis’s green dress and I didn’t like her hair…at first I didn’t even recognize her
·         Hated Rooney Mara’s dress and hair…didn’t it look someone ripped her dress?
·         Kristen Wiig..way too blah and beige and GET YOUR HAIR DONE or at least make it look like it was
·         Emma Stone’s bow was WAY too big and I’d have to think it had to be ultra annoying and in her peripheral vision all night long
·         Tina Fey’s hair was too big
·         Cameron Diaz’s dress was beautiful but she looked really old for some reason
·         Sandra Bullock – perfection
·         I honestly thought Angelina was breathtaking…
·         I didn’t like Natalie Portman’s dress but the necklace was insane
·         Every guy looks good in a tux, but George and Brad…ahhhhhh I just love them and can only imagine what it must be like to hang out with the two of them together…do they stare at each other in disbelief of their gorgeousness the way I would?  I honestly think they might.

·         The number one story for me…J-Lo’s Nip Slippage…holy cow…guess that special tape she always uses wasn’t working for her last night…I wonder if Cameron came up with the idea to turn around and do the butt shot in order to hide the nip slips…I’m sure that will be the number one video trending today.  Do you think it will be a topic on IDOL?  I won’t watch, so let me know.
·         The Dictator (Sascha Baron Cohen) spilling Kim Jong Il’s ashes on Ryan Seacrest was just so wrong…and while it did add some excitement to the red carpet, Ryan was obviously NOT in on the joke and not happy at all…I guess Sascha Baron Cohen didn’t want to sit through the 3 hour extravaganza and figured he’d try to make the best of it, but I didn’t think it was funny and it definitely didn’t make me want to go see the movie…but I am talking about it this AM so again…guess it worked
·         Did you all have an awful time with sound last night?  I really had a hard time understanding Billy’s song and then there seemed to be someone playing either Mattel or Coleco football in the background for most of the broadcast.  At first I thought I was going crazy, but then everyone on Facebook, and on Twitter was asking the same question as I was…How in the world does something like that happen?
·         Even sexiest man alive Bradley Cooper can’t get away with a 70’s porno mustache…ewww…not working Bradley Cooper…not working at all…I am not a big facial hair fan…on men or women…just sayin
·         Billy Crystal was okay…not as bad as what I am reading this AM…He looked puffy, and some of his material seemed a little outdated and sort of racistish…I mean if you were going to show the insanity of focus groups, did you have to pick a movie from 1939?  Could have been so much funnier if it was more relevant.  The opening sequence with Billy inserted into the movies was good…especially the George Clooney kiss and the Bieber cameo, but honestly…downhill from there.
·         Lots of mixed opinions on Angelina’s pose at the podium…I liked it…she and Brad give me what I need when I see them together…I enjoy them…what can I say?  I felt that Brad was channeling Tristan from LEGENDS OF THE FALL last night with his long hair…again…all good.
·         Chris Rock…hilarious…love him…letting his hair grow caught me a little off guard, but he rules, so whatever he wants to do is fine by me.
·         I didn’t realize that Sheila E was on drums up there in the balcony area until later in the show.
·         Cirque D Soleil??? At the Oscars??? Yeah it was cool, but not for the Oscars…odd idea…who thought of that…Billy?  Again…not really relevant
·         Robert Downey Jr. presenting with Gwyneth…what would be cool (and again…relevant) would be if that pseudo mini documentary he was filming was somewhere online this AM
·         Best presenter award goes to Emma Stone…I forgot about the enormous bow for a second because she was Soooo funny
·         Did Nick Nolte have a chemical peel?  Forget his sunscreen?  What was up with his super red swollen face?
·         Zack Galifinakis and Will Ferrell’s thing with the cymbals…woke me right up which is what everyone needed by that point in the show
·         I loved that Reese Witherspoon’s movie reference was OVERBOARD, which is one of my faves too
·         Didn’t it look like Oprah didn’t have her hair and makeup done last night?  Maybe with troubles at OWN she has had to cut back on some luxuries???
·         Tom Cruise turns 50 in July and no matter what I think about him and his antics…the guy looks GOOD!

So here’s where we netted out: THE ARTIST won everything that HUGO didn’t.  I got 18 out of 24 right in my Oscar Pool, earned 6000 points on Viggle, sent 22 text messages, updated my Facebook status 6x, consumed ¼ of a container of Ben & Jerry’s Late Night flavor (with Jimmy Fallon on it) and got to bed before midnight a happy camper.  Regardless of whether the show is good or not, if I saw all of the movies or not, I love Oscar night.

-While my husband and I were watching THE OSCARS, my son was watching the NBA ALL-STAR GAME which for anyone who cares…was won by the West…152-149

-THE DAYTONA 500 was postponed yesterday due to rain for the first time ever and will happen today at 12N.  Bummer for all the fans and for FOX…THE DAYTONA 500 is pretty much that sports SUPERBOWL…yeesh

-On Saturday night, we watched the NBA All Star Saturday Night and so did a lot of other people. The show helped TNT to deliver a 4.4 HHrating and was tied for the second-highest rated NBA All-Star Saturday Night ever.
Additionally, the Top 5 Rated DMAs from Saturday night:
1. Miami -- 9.4
2. San Antonio -- 7.5
3. Orlando -- 7.3
4. Oklahoma City -- 6.9
5. Atlanta, Chicago -- 6.5

If this wasn’t enough, to honor the release of Bruce Springsteen’s new album on 3/6, Jimmy is paying a musical tribute to The Boss all this week.  Bruce will perform on the show on Monday and on Friday.  On Friday, Jimmy is celebrating his 3rd anniversary in Late Night.  Bruce and the band will be the only guests, and Bruce will sit down and chat with Jimmy.  The rest of the week, other artists will perform covers of Bruce songs…they include Kenny Chesney singing “I’m on Fire” and Elvis Costello singing “Brilliant Disguise”.  My favorite Bruce song is “Candy’s Room”…not that anyone cares, but in case Jimmy reads this, he should know so he can sing it to me when he sleeps over.

PLEASE COME SLEEP OVER MY HOUSE Jimmy…I promise we will have a lot of platonic fun and really good snacks! 

-Well, we know 3 of the next DANCING WITH THE STARS cast members…Jack Wagner, Melissa “Half Pint” Gilbert, and Sheri Shepherd.  So far…so good (even though I don’t watch DWTS.

-Cool infographic I found over the weekend: EVERY 60 SECONDS IN SOCIAL MEDIA
·         1090 Pinterest visitors
·         2000 Foursquare check ins
·         3125 Flickr photos uploaded
·         3500 Tagged new friend connections
·         7610 Linked in Searches
·         7630 Stumble Upon Stumbles
·         175,000 Tweets
·         700,000 Facebook Messages Sent
·         2,000,000 Videos viewed on You Tube

-Speaking of PINTEREST, some interesting facts about this new up and comer…I love Pinterest, but it isn’t a great experience on your handset…it is really much better on your laptop or desktop…anyway…the facts:
·         28.1% of users have a HH Income of 100K plus
·         The average users spends 15.8 minutes per visit which is higher than Facebook and Twitter combined
·         50% of Pinterest users have kids
·         68.2% Female/31.8 % Male
·         Total Unique visitors has increased by 2,702.2% since May of 2011
·         97% of Pinterests Facebook fans are women
·         27.4% of Pinterest users are 25-34
·         Pinterest has more referral traffic than LinkedIn, Google + and You Tube combined
·         Pinterest currently receives 1.36 million visitors per day

-I have a lot of rules for my Facebook page, one of them is that I defriend every month if my friends haven’t engaged in some way within the previous month.  Everyone laughs at my insanity, (not to be confused in any way with LINsanity) but it seems that more and more people are starting to think about this more and more.  There has been a rise in the number of untagged photos, deleted comments, and defriending over the past 2 years.  63% of users have defriended people in 2011 vs. 56% in 2009.  I’m sure this will continue as people put more and more of their personal information out there.   

-On Friday, the LIVE WITH KELLY wedding finally took place, which was the premise for the road trip to Hawaii (well that and to promote the Disney property they were broadcasting from.  Kelly wore a dress that look like a trout’s mouth, no necklace which was good…today she is doing her Oscar special (you know the one that Oprah used to do) with everyone’s fave…Neil Patrick Harris…I saw the dress she was to wear for it…not sure what I think yet…check back tomorrow.

-I finally found SELLING SPELLING MANOR Part 2 on the HGTV website…not as good as part one, but still worth watching.  Candy auctioned off her dolls and got 750K for them. Pretty impressive storage system with photos of everything in each box, boxes numbered and catalogued, but a ton of stuff to go through and get rid of.  She left her 57000 square foot house for a 17000 square foot 2 floor penthouse in Century City CA with a private swimming pool, conservatory and full balconies around the entire place.

Monday’s Oscar Night Trivia Question:  Hope you were paying attention:  Who opened the show?

Sorry this edition is so long…a lot to cover


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