Thursday, March 1, 2012


Jack Wagner played Dr. Peter Burns on Melrose Place
FIRST FIVES:  Rob Schachter, Jill Newman, Adam Monaco, Jennifer Rosoff, & James Gabriele

Tuesday’s Broadcast Top 5
NCIS-CBS 3.4/18.0
NCIS LA-CBS 3.1/15.6

Tuesday’s Broadcast Trendrr Top 5
NCIS-CBS 48,996
RINGER (KF)-CW 21,343

Tuesday’s Cable Top 5
TOSH.O-Comedy Central 1.6/2.6
THE GAME-BET 1.3/2.6
TEEN MOM 2-MTV 1.3/2.2

Tuesday’s Cable Trendrr Top 5
ARIZONA & MICHIGAN PRIMARIES-Various Networks 126,663
DANCE MOMS-Lifetime 69,004
TOSH.O-Comedy Central 55,961

-Davy Jones died yesterday at 66.  I have to say it was truly shocking in such a different way than Whitney Houston’s passing.  For any of you old enough to remember THE MONKEES, it was such a fun show and of course…lots of great music! I had such a crush on Davy Jones, as did Marcia Brady from THE BRADY BUNCH…check out my favorite Davy moment and quite frankly my favorite Davy song.  RIP DAVY

-Yesterday’s LIVE WITH KELLY was PERFECT…Kelly’s dress was perfect, her hair was perfect, the necklace was nowhere to be seen and her co-host was PERFECT too…Alec Baldwin.  Kelly and Alec have great chemistry.   Alec is really hilarious and a great interviewer.  I know he has another show, and “wants to do other things” when his contract is up, but seriously, what’s an hour each morning Alec?  Alec seems to have changed his hair color to a very strange shade of orangey brown, but even that didn’t matter to me because he was just soooo funny.  As if the show couldn’t get any better, Taylor “Tim Riggins” Kitsch formerly of FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS and now starring as JOHN CARTER in a Disney movie that seems really strange, but that I will see anyway, because he wears pretty much nothing in the whole film, was on the show.  (Super long run on sentence…my apologies)  I don’t want you all in email jail, but I did snap a photo if anyone wants to see it, let me know.
-The women finally got their act together on SURVIVOR.  I thought they were going to lose it…the rain and the cold were really freaking them all out, they had no fire and they even started glomming on to the guys to keep warm and get some relief from the rain…but then…the sun came out they won the fishing gear, caught and ate some fish and then beat the guys in the immunity challenge.  The guys now look like they are in trouble…first tribal council…first MAJOR blindside.  SPOILER ALERT: Buh Bye Matt.  Even Tarzan (or was that Troyzan?) asked Jeff to read the remaining two votes as he didn’t know what happened at tribal.  Ahhhh now it’s getting good!  Can’t wait for next week

-Jeremy Sisto was not only topless in last night’s SUBURGATORY but covered in oil…uhhhh thanks writers!  The show was actually really funny last night.  Fred Shea (aka Dr. Spaceman from 30 ROCK) stumbles on his wife’s diary and thinks that she has a secret crush on George, but it ends up that the George she has a crush on is not Jeremy Sisto, but George Stephanopoulos. While I do enjoy Stephanopoulos, Sisto is WAY cuter especially topless and covered in oil…again…thanks writers!

-It was Leap Day yesterday and apparently it was also Cameron’s 10th birthday on MODERN FAMILY.  He was born on February 29th.  Mitchell’s attempt at throwing a Wizard of Oz themed birthday party was hilarious, but the Satan’s Trifecta storyline over at the Dunphy’s was way better…basically, The Dunphy’s were going to celebrate Leap Day the way we all should…as an extra day to do something special…in their case…trapeze class…but…no…plans go awry when Claire, Hailey and Alex all had visits from Aunt Flo at the same time…you guys getting that reference?  Hope so…I can provide a list of other ways to say it, but that has always been a favorite.  Classic episode.

-Didn’t get to see last night’s REVENGE, so keeping myself in a media blackout until I get to see it.

-Some interesting Nielsen facts out yesterday, I haven’t had time to go through all of it, but here are some good ones…more to come:
·         The percent of DVR usage has grown fivefold from a mere 1.6 percent in 2006 to almost 8 percent in 2011 (and I still can’t believe it is this low!)
·         Since 2006, video game console usage has increased almost 40 percent from 2.7 percent to 3.9 percent of total TV time. (again…I would have thought this was MUCH higher)
·         Since 2006 the percentage of time we watch live TV in the home has fallen from 89 percent to 85 percent.  However, the amount of time each person spends viewing TV content (live or timeshifted) actually increased by 19 minutes year-over-year in the first four weeks of the 2011 season. (Makes complete sense to me!)
·         Among the three major devices connected to our TVs (video game consoles, DVRs and DVD players), DVRs account for the greatest percentage of Americans’ watching time.

-The NBA ALL STAR GAME set quite a few digital records this past weekend, The Carruba Family was definitely a part of it:
· received a record of more than 114 million video streams and 209 million page views, an increase of more than 40 percent and nearly 30 percent respectively, from last year’s All-Star record.
·         NBA Fans on Social Media: The NBA All-Star Game generated a record of more than 2.5 million comments on Twitter and Facebook, up nearly 370 percent over last year.
·         NBA Mobile Web: Overall, total NBA Mobile Web video streams set a record with an increase more than 305 percent during the 2012 All-Star Weekend compared to last year’s event.
·         NBA Mobile: NBA GameTime, The League’s mobile application, delivered 1.35 million video streams during NBA All-Star.

Some important CW dates:
  • April 4: One Tree Hill (two-hour series finale) at 8p THANK GOD IT WILL ALL FINALLY BE OVER
  • April 24: The L.A. Complex (US TV premiere of Canadian drama) at 9p
  • May 10: The Vampire Diaries (season finale) at 8p; SAD DAY FOR US ALL The Secret Circle (season finale) at 9p
  • May 14: Gossip Girl (season finale) at 8p; Hart of Dixie (season finale) at 9p  
  • May 15: 90210 (season finale) at 8p
  • May 18: Nikita (season finale) at 8p; Supernatural (season finale) at 9p
  • May 29: The L.A. Complex (season finale) at 9p
  • May 30: America's Next Top Model (cycle finale) at 9p
-Some Mobile Facts:
·         Today, the average adult spends 65 minutes per day on mobile media
·         259 million Americans owned a cell phone in 2011
·         35% of those phones were smartphones which was a 4% increase YOY
·         44% of African Americans own smartphones
·         44% of Hispanics own smartphones
·         48% of Asian Americans own smartphones
·         30% of Caucasians own smartphones
·         Of all adults that own a cell phone, most use it for the following:
1.    51% use it for quick information retrieval
2.    54% use it for sending pictures and video
3.    44% use it for browsing the web
·         Out of those adults who own smartphones, most use it for the following:
1.    80% use it for sending pictures and video
2.    84% use it for browsing the web
3.    59% use it for social networking
·         40% of overall cell phone users said having a mobile phone in an emergency has been helpful (THAT IS WAY LOW!)
·         African American’s tend to talk on the phone more than anyone else…1,261 minutes per month on average
·         Hispanic’s tend to text the most…943 texts per month on average
·         Asian American’s tend to spend the most time on YouTube
·         In 2011 28,538 mobile video subscribers watched an average of 4 hours and 20 minutes of video a month
·         29% of American’s now own a tablet or an E-reader
·         Adults in the US spend 167 minutes per day online
·         ½ of all adults have access to the internet with a laptop-wirelessly or with a broadband card
·         143.9 Million American’s viewed video online in January of 2011, spending an average of 4 hours and 39 minutes viewing video on computers in one month

Thursday’s Trivia Question: Davy Jones and The Monkees had only 2 number one songs, name one of them.

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