Friday, March 2, 2012


Last Train to Clarksville & Daydream Believer and I’m a Believer were the number one Monkees hits
FIRST FIVES: Bobby Aguilera, Karen Heniger, Stephanie Baxter, Jennifer Rosoff, & Jason Wagenheimer*

Wednesday’s Broadcast Top 5

Wednesday’s Broadcast Trendrr Top 5

Wednesday’s Cable Top 5
SONS OF GUNS-Discovery 1.1/2.2
TOP CHEF-Bravo 1.0/1.8
AMERICAN DAD-Adult Swim .9/2.0

Wednesday’s Cable Trendrr Top 5
SOUTH PARK-Comedy Central 49,996
PSYCH-USA 43,367
TOP CHEF-Bravo 30,591
FACE OFF-Syfy 22,191
Friday’s Trivia Question

-I was out last night with Eddie, Alex, Wolfie and Diamond Dave (hoping most of you get that reference and know where I was) and didn’t get home until after midnight…a bit bleary eyed this morning and obviously didn’t get to watch much TV at all, but of course I am a trooper and got up extra early this morning to have something to write about:

-Quick Kelly update: That very bland, vanilla guy, Dan Abrahms, was back for his second shot with Kelly.  It was all relatively average and bland and vanilla.  Kelly was looking good, great dress, and no necklace and she seems to like Dan. I don’t know…at this point, maybe just stick with LIVE WITH KELLY, rotating co-hosts and call it a day. 

-PARKS & REC is really having a great time with Leslie’s campaign.  The newest “issue” Leslie and her missing running mate, Bobby Newport are going with is locking down the old peeps of Pawnee’s votes by promising to build ramps or elevators on every corner in town so they all will never have to take the stairs.  The leader of the Pawnee geezers was special guest star, Carl Reiner…pretty cool that he got a job at the age of 90!  Of course it was the other story that I found way funnier…apparently all Pawnee residents put their entire mouth on the water fountain spouts when quenching their thirst (totally gross), so Ron and the team needed to fix the problem as quickly as possible or Chris (the ultra cute Rob Lowe whose hair score for this episode was a 4 out of 5) would hire someone, which Ron was dead set against.  Of course the project results in crazy water fight…another great episode…can’t wait until the election.  Oh and I love the name of the political analyst on last night’s episode…Dylan Peever…classic.

-I did watch REVENGE this morning…so much happened in one episode, not sure where to begin.  With all the money the Grayson’s have you would think they could make sure that Daniel’s head was stitched up better than it was…he had a disgusting bloody bandage on the back of his head for the whole episode.  Maybe it will give him street cred when he gets to Rikers…oh…yeah…he was arrested for the murder of Tyler and because of his ability to leave town, he was sentenced to Rikers without bail.  He looked scared when they took him away.  Now Jack is freaking out because he thinks Emily/Amanda killed Tyler but his brother Decklin thinks that HE killed Tyler…Jack…if you are reading…rule of thumb…get rid of the bloody hoody…never keep anything with the murder victims blood on it…not that I would know from experience, but from all of the TV I watch…I have learned that you do need to get rid of the bloody hoody.  What was up with Nolan’s glow in the dark yellow t-shirt and matching sneakers?  At the very end of the episode it was revealed who did kill Tyler so none of us have to really think about it too much anymore…but now what I want to know is when Amanda/Emily went back to the house to hide the Infinity box…how did she get it cleaned up so fast? 

-Neil Patrick Harris was on LETTERMAN on Wednesday night (as was Taylor “Tim Riggins/John Carter” Kitsch.  NPH completely agrees with me and thinks it is absolutely time to reveal who the mom is already on HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER.  I am hoping he has more pull with the writers than I apparently do and gets this done.

-I don’t watch IDOL as you all know, but they did reveal the final 13 last night…hey…I don’t have much this AM…so I’m just giving you what I got.

-Nicolette Sheridan was on the stand yesterday telling jurors that Mark Cherry, the creator of DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES hit her in the head.  She is suing for 6 million bucks. The show says that she was just being given direction for a scene she was in.  DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES is wrapping up their final season…this could be their reality show spin-off!  Good idea right?  All of the cast is being called to testify…and it would seem that now…Nicolette, who claimed to be nothing like her character, is in fact…a DESPERATE HOUSEWIFE.
-I liked this chart because it definitely reflects the way I watch TV.  Maybe not ALL the time, but a lot of the time, I am multitasking…

-More Facts from yesterday’s report:
·         African Americans visit more Social Media and Music sites
·         Hispanics visit more Social Media and Latin influenced sites like Univision and MSN Latino
·         Asian Americans visit more technology sites, news and YouTube
·         77.9% of Caucasians watch online video but spend the least amount of time at 4 hours a month
·         12.1% of Hispanics watch online video but for longer amounts of time at 6 ½ hours per month
·         10.6% of African Americans watch online video but again for longer amounts of time 6 hours a month
·         3.5% of Asian Americans watch online video BUT they view longer than any other segment at 10 hours a month!
·         The average American adult spends 4 ½ hours per day watching TV
·         The average American adult watched 32 hours and 36 minutes of TV per week in 2011
·         38% of TV Households in the US have a DVR (Always amazed that this number is so low)
·         African Americans spent 213 hours per month watching traditional TV
·         Caucasians spent 156 hours per month watching traditional TV
·         Hispanics spent 136 hours per month watching traditional TV
·         Asian Americans spent 100 hours per month watching traditional TV
·         40% of Tablet & Smartphone owners are using their devices while watching TV to check email, surf the web and for Social Media
·         This year’s Superbowl attracted lots of new viewers: 10.4 million Hispanics up from 8.3 million last year and 12.5 million African Americans up from 11.2 million last year

-Nothing to do with TV, but in case he is reading…Happy 50th Birthday to Jon Bon Jovi…I cannot believe he is 50. 

-WWTM’s Weekend Movie Rental Suggestion: HOOSIERS…we rented it…one of the greatest sports movies ever. 

-Friday’s Trivia Question:  The Grayson’s on REVENGE hired Mr. Brooks played by Courtney B. Vance as Daniel’s attorney, but for me he will always be Jonesy from one of my favorite movies ever…Name the movie:


Check the blog over the weekend there could be some updates…

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