Saturday, March 17, 2012



I caught up on so much TV last night, that I need to get it all out of my head this morning before I head out to the gym.

-LIVE WITH 3 of Michael Strahan and I wasn't sick of seeing him or hearing him.  I had forgotten that his fiance/wife/whatever is Eddie Murphy's ex Nicole, and between the two of them...they have 9 kids!  No wonder why he is looking for extra work! Anyway, he did reveal that his stylist from his other job sent over all his clothes for the whoever that person is...needs to work on Kelly next.  Friday's outfit was awful...but she didn't wear that hideous necklace that you are all getting sick of hearing me complain about...does she wear summer dresses everyday because she wants to show off her arms?  Or is it super hot in the studio?  if Michael and all of her other co-hosts can wear suits, she can wear seasonally appropriate clothes too.  Sorry Kelly...I LOVE YOU but this has got to end...get a new stylist...or pick out your own something about this problem I am begging you.

-On SMASH, Karen attended her first Bar Mitzvah job...a cheesy one in Northport, but apparently some record executive was in the house as she was given his card by the host at the end of the, good news for Karen.  Bad news for Ivy though...she had some vocal issues, went on prednisone, went looney, told off her boss/boyfriend in front of the whole cast, and then of course was fine...until next week.  I don't mean to be judgmental, because I do love Debra Messing, but she really needs to lose some weight.  Kudos to the director who had her do a love scene and figured out a way to hide her big protruding belly  (although you do kinda see it).  I felt bad for the actor that plays Michael...he had to lift her up and lay her on the couch and it couldn't have been an easy feat at all.  Sorry DM, but you need to get a trainer or something if the show gets renewed.  I expect less of those big scarves and shmatahs in season 2.

-Another amazing ending on RINGER...seriously...the rumor is that RINGER is getting cancelled...I am betting it's because the writers shot their loads  ('s a Saturday and this is on the blog only) on this entire season and have nothing left for another one.  2 things...I hate the way Andrew and Olivia say Shivan...they say Shavoon...I know they are British, but it still makes me nuts.  Of course Solomon knew that Shivan/Shavoon was really Bridgette the second he met her...but if he did, how come nobody else on the entire show did?  So...who shot Andrew?  Henry? Olivia?  When are we going to find out? So good...really.

-ONE TREE HILL, aka America's newest hotbed of crime apparently.   First the Russian Mob and the cops kidnap Nathan and then Xavier gets out of prison and stalks and attacks Brooke Davis (you have to say her entire name when you talk about her...just like Ann Perkins on PARKS & REC).  I did love the entire first scene with Dan, Julian, and Chris Keller (who should STOP saying HIS entire name) with the guy in the trunk.  And...of course I loved having Evil Dan in full Evil Dan mode saving the day.  I hope he doesn't die...he shouldn't since we could see that he only took bullets in the fake blood packets under his shirt...come on directors...what's up with that?  I'm glad that what's her name is going to close the other coffee shop now...I mean how in the world could Tree Hill support 2 coffee shops when there are never any cars or people outside on the streets?  OY with this show...only 3 episodes left...thank god.

-30 ROCK's St. Patricks Day themed episode brought back Liz's ex...Dennis Duffy, who I never really liked.  The show was funny but not one of the best of the season.  I'm glad that James Mardsen is still on though...he is pretty to look at.

-WHITNEY was good...I had a weird feeling that Neil could be gay and apparently he is...not that there is anything wrong with that, in fact I think it will be good for the show if it doesn't get cancelled.

-I don't know how I did it, but I stayed in a media blackout  all week, and had no idea which two celebs were voted out on last weeks CELEBRITY APPRENTICE...I thought both teams sucked and the right two people were fired.  As the wife of a racing enthusiast who has sat through Michael Andretti interviews, I did understand why Michael Andretti would suck at the task...however...if you are selling a car...figure out a way to use Michael and maybe not have him be the only part of the pitch.  I totally get it...but MIchael is really Mr. Zero Personality...he would have lost the task even if he was the project manager.  Okay, I don't know if we have ever discussed this, but I have this thing for Ivanka Trump...I don't know what I would call definitely isn't a girl crush but more of a girl obsession...I love everything about her except her clothes...she has nice clothes but they are for a 61 year old Ivanka not a 31 year old Ivanka. She looks like she got all of her Mom's clothes in the divorce. That being said...She is obviously brilliant, has this insanely straight posture, an amazing way of speaking and carrying herself and her face and hair are gorgeous.  She married pretty well, had a baby, tweets all the time, has a jewelry and clothing line...I know she has Trump dough behind her but still...she is an impressive woman.  Glad I got this all out in the open...I wasn't hiding it, but I felt a weight not releasing it all...this Saturday thing could be a good idea.

-Last show I watched and it is officially the final episode for me...BEING HUMAN...the show where nobody is trying very hard to BE human.  This week was too much for me...a vampire with no skin, and Sally being possessed by a reaper ghost or something I don't understand.  If you have ever gone into my rules here on the blog, you would know that I don't normally watch scary stuff like this, but I like hot vampires and thought the idea of monsters trying to BE human was a cool concept...problem is they really can't seem to follow through on it that last night was my last episode...way too much creepiness for me.

-For anyone who is reading this on a Saturday...THANK won't go without a reward...

-SATURDAY TRIVIA: Name the 1998 Aaron Sorkin show that starred Felicity Huffman (before DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES), Josh Charles (before THE GOOD WIFE) and Peter Krause before (SIX FEET UNDER AND PARENTHOOD).

Have a great weekend!


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