Friday, April 6, 2012

Bye Bye TREE HILL...4/6/12

The answer to Thursday’s Trivia Question: Gary Player has played in more Masters Tournaments than anyone else
FIRST FOUR: Shawn Chekmayan, Neil Moffatt, Neil Barry & Karen Heniger

The answer to the Blog only (but I forgot to delete it from the email) Trivia Question: 16 Players have won more than 1 green jacket
FIRST TWO: Jim Wall & Neil Barry

Wednesday’s Broadcast Top 5
CSI-CBS 2.9/11.9
BETTY WHITE-NBC 1.8/7.2  (Seriously…I just can’t believe she made the top 5)

Wednesday’s Broadcast Trendrr Top 5

Wednesday’s Cable top 5
SOUTH PARK-Comedy Central 1.5/2.6
NBA-ESPN 1/3.2/5
PSYCH-USA .9/2.6

Wednesday’s Cable Trendrr Top 5
SOUTH PARK-Comedy Central 44,824
PSYCH-USA 35,310

-The Bravo Upfront party really hit me hard…late with this email, late to work, tough day yesterday especially since it was my last day in the office before vacation.  I am still trying to catch up a bit on everything and pack and everything else…but even with all of that…I got to catch up on some TV last night (and honestly this morning too). 

-My first priority was to check out the ONE TREE HILL series finale episode.  Yeah it was cheesy with way too much Gavin Degraw, but I did get chills when the cast all sang “I Don’t Wanna Be” and yeah I did have tears in my eyes when Julian bought Brooke Davis her childhood home to raise their family in.  I did remember Bevin and thought it was cute that she was the woman at custody office where you can get married and adopt a kid in 5 minutes with zero paperwork.  Haley giving the prediction box to Jaime was actually a nice touch and a really funny moment when Nathan finds his 9 year old alone at the River Courts practicing… a like father like son moment… another like father, like son moment was when they made fun of the fact that they also have both been kidnapped…good one Mark Schwann.  Loved seeing Peyton’s room and honestly I loved how it all ended.  Cheesy and ridiculous but chills none the less.  It was fun and then it wasn’t… but in the end I enjoyed it all. 

-SURVIVOR and 7-UP (the uncola…see how well the integration worked?) had a big night together on Wednesday.  I’m not sure that when you are starving to death that 7-Up is the right thing for your body, but okay…it worked for the reward challenge…I guess.  The game is getting good now and everyone is in multiple alliances…SPOILER ALERT: Mike was completely shocked when he was voted off and those are the best tribal councils to witness…Kim seems to be running the show and I don’t think anyone realizes it…brilliant game play.  My favorite little person, Leif is still in the game and he actually spoke this week, apparently he loves BBQ and how did I not notice the nipple piercings?  The final puzzle for the immunity challenge this week seemed to be one of the more difficult and frustrating ones in SURVIVOR history…I really wish they would show how much time has elapsed with some of these puzzles…the other thing that was freaking me out during the show this week, was all the camera shots of bats flying around, hanging upside down and cloaking themselves…no way I could ever survive…bats…not for me.

-Seriously….TOUCH is insane and I love it, but if Kiefer Sutherland doesn’t stop yelling “Jake” at some point, I am going to lose it.  I think the “Jake” count was in the 50’s last night…next time I have to remember to keep track.  The kid is never going to respond and we know you have to follow him, so stop screaming his name…ok, got that out of my system.  Other than that…the show is brilliant.  Last night we learned a lot about Kiefer’s wife who “supposedly” died in 9/11 but of course there is no body so ya never know…on this show, the numbers can bring you someplace impossible.  What a thought provoking show…I really need to know how they put it together.

-On RULES OF ENGAGEMENT, funny premise actually, Audrey thinks her housekeeper needs money for surgery for an issue with her leg, so she thinks she is being an awesome person by raising money in the building to pay for the surgery…of course Audrey didn’t understand that the surgery was for new boobs, not a new hip…Not such a far-fetched script…my Nanny did the same thing, but I didn’t raise money for her surgery…apparently I just pay well. 

-Today on THE TODAY SHOW, Matt Lauer will make it official…his contract wasn’t even up until December, but he has renewed for a “long term” and will make 30MM a year!  The rumor is that part of the deal is that Ann Curry has to go.  I don’t watch THE TODAY SHOW so I didn’t know that he and Ann had issues, so for 30MM is he going to do her job too? Congrats Matt…not the hugest fan but good negotiating!

-SPOILER ALERT: I don’t watch IDOL, but as a professional courtesy…Deandre Brackensick was kicked off, so for anyone that is also strapped for time…now you know and don’t have to watch the long, drawn out results show.

-ABC released some Spring/Summer premiere dates yesterday
        May 14: THE BACHELORETTE (90-minute season debut) at 930p
        May 24: DUETS (two-hour series premiere) at 8p; ROOKIE BLUE at 10p
        June 3: SECRET MILLIONAIRE at 8p; EXTREME MAKEOVER: WEIGHT LOSS (two-hour season debut) at 9p
        June 28: WIPEOUT (summer edition) at 9p
        July 10: TRUST US WITH YOUR LIFE (series premiere) at 9p; FINAL WITNESS (series premiere) at 10p
        July 23: BACHELOR PAD (two-hour season debut) at 8p

-WHEN REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NY is back on 6/4 there will be 3 new housewives: Aviva Drescher, Carole Radziwill and Heather Thomson join, Countess LuAnn de Lesseps, Sonja Morgan and Ramona Singer. Jill Zarin, Cyndi, Kelly and Alex…all gone. Buh Bye girls

-If you are a New Yorker and a WABC news watcher then you may have heard that one of the legendary broadcasters, Gil Noble passed away yesterday at the age of 80.I grew up watching Gil…sad to hear of his passing. He was one of the good ones.  RIP Gil

-According to a Q4 2011 Nielsen survey of connected device owners,
·         88% of tablet owners and 86% of smartphone owners in the U.S. said they used their device while watching TV at least once during a 30-day period.
·         45% of the tablet-using U.S. audience, using their device was a daily event, with 26% reporting simultaneous TV and tablet usage several times a day.
·          41% of US smartphone owners said they use their phone at least once a day while watching TV.
·         While the most common activity was checking email (during the show or during commercial breaks), Nielsen noted that device owners also seem to engage with content related to the TV, either by looking up show info or deals and general info on products advertised on TV.
·          46% of online video viewers in the U.S. say that if they are watching a video online that mentions a new product or brand, they would be at least somewhat likely to look that brand up afterwards.
·          49% of those who follow brands on social networks say that if a brand that they follow posts a video online, they are at least somewhat likely to click on the link to watch the video.
·         63% of U.S. adults have browsed through online content while watching TV; this number jumps to 71% within U.S. adults ages 18-44 demographic.
·         27% have looked at online content that was related to the show that they were watching.
·         48% said that the online content that they looked at was unrelated to the show that they were watching

-Friday’s ONE TREE HILL Trivia Question: The fictional town of Tree Hill was a pretty major character in the show…where was the show actually filmed?

-Friday’s Master’s Bonus Blog Trivia Question: How many left handed players have won THE MASTERS?

-Not sure if I will be posting anything while I am out on vacation…if I do…it will be on the blog only, so check it sporadically if you are jonesin for something…ya never know…

Have a great week, Happy Passover, Happy Easter…see ya when I get back!


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