Friday, May 4, 2012


The answer to Thursday's Trivia Question:  Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweeds kids are: Nick and Sophie
FIRST FOUR: Phyllis DiCesare, Jahid, Mirza, Lisa McCusker & Irene Chan

Wednesday's Broadcast Top 5

Wednesday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5

Wednesday's Cable Top 5
NHL PLAYOFFS-NBC Sports Net .9/1.8

Wednesday's Cable Trendrr Top 5

Last night, was truly a night of WATCHING WAY TOO MUCH and I have to admit...I felt pressure to catch up and made myself proud of my here goes:

-2 days worth of LIVE WITH KELLY...2 days of Josh Groban as co-host, both days, he was really funny and he obviously has great chemistry with Kelly, but all I ever see is the messy hair...I guess it works, but it bothers me when someone intentionally wants to look like they just got out of bed...2 days in row, Josh and Gelman dressed like twins...unintentionally, and 2 days in a row Kelly wore a white dress. Wednesday's was beautiful, but then back to the nipple/dart controversy which Kelly addressed first thing when she sat down in her chair yesterday...if she knows we are all obsessed with it, and she knows that it bugs us all why do it?  Why Kelly?? WHY???

-We all know that Alicia Silverstone hasn't become a series regular on SUBURGATORY, but they are stringing us along nicely...Noah was driving Alicia so insane that she was going to leave Long Island (and I thought the show) and go back to Montana to provide the baby she is carrying with a "healthy gestation" but George stepped in and offered up his house instead.  Of course he didn't tell Tessa, so next week is going to get ugly.  Lisa now thinks she's adopted, but pretty sure that either her brother is or they both aren't.  I originally tuned in and loved this show because I love Jeremy Sisto and I thought Jay Mohr would have a more prominent role, and while I still love the show and Jeremy, and have gotten over Jay's departure, it's really all about Cheryl Hines at this point.  Dallas is the best character on the show, and I find her new crystal career hilarious.  This show is under everyone's radar, but it's really a fun 22 minute ride every week...

-A lot of you had asked me why I don't watch GIULIANA & BILL, and with it's rise in the ratings, and tremendous press lately, I figured I better check it out.'s another good reality show that if I let myself, I could totally get into, but something bothers me about them.  Bill is just WAY too perfect and they seem a bit formal with each other, but then again this was only one episode and it was after all of thier problems have turned around, so it's probably a bad episode to judge it on.  I am not going to give it the "Season Pass" but if I'm home with nothing to do, sure...I'd watch a marathon...I could see it happening.

-This week, I have to give a shout out to Oliver Hudson (Kate's brother if you remembered your trivia) who had to wear a super tight shiny spandex red tank top and super tight shiny spandex pink tie dye yoga pants for the entire episode of RULES OF ENGAGEMENT.  I'm guessing that David Spade and David Puddy were both relentless with the jokes in real life during filming...If they don't renew this show, something is wrong in executive programming land, and after all the blood, sweat and tight spandex outfits, I'd be pissed if I were Oliver!

-Jack Bauer screamed "JAKE" 5 times during last night's episode of TOUCH, a series low I believe.  Jake was obsessed with the string game "Cat's Cradle",  you know the part with the triangles...that's pretty much all I can explain about the entire episode, but again at the end when you see how all the pieces, numbers and connections come together, you either say to the people you are watching with (my 10 year old son) or your pet of choice (my dog LiBI) or just an empty room...who in the world thinks this "stuff" up?  How do they do that?  I don't want to get to invested in this show until I know it's fate in a few weeks.  I have a feeling it may not make it to next season, so I don't want to get my hopes up.

-The Leslie Knope campaign was in full swing over on PARKS & REC as the entire team decided on a 24 hour bus tour for the final leg of the race.  Andy was on self appointed security detail and gave everyone funny code names.  Best one, in my opinion, "If I had to pick a dude", for the perfectly coiffed Rob Lowe.  With a solid second place to his name for Leslie..."I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it" Knope.  The other ones were good too..."Been there done that" for Ann Perkins, and "Currently doing that" for April.  Kurt's dad, Bert from GLEE, made an appearance as the van rental guy and Leslie read her book "Groffle the Aweful Waffle" to a bunch of school kids.  Leslie's dancers had T-Shirt cannons like the kind they shoot at the Knick game...I want one of those, gottta Google that...I'm thinking Amazon though right???  At the end of the insanity that ensued throughout this episode, Bobby Newport aka Paul Rudd, thanked Leslie Knope and declared her awesome, so it's anyones race at this point. I have a feeling they could leave us hanging with the election results. That would suck.

-REVENGE WAS SOOOOO GOOD!  Thank you to everyone for your radio silence.  Here is what we now know.  SPOILER ALERTS

  • Nolan was hiding David Clarke's final journal and Emily/Amanda found out and Nolan had to fork it over.  I am totally convinced that Nolan and Emily/Amanda are brother and sister.
  • Charlotte has proved that she is Emily/Amanda's relative with her amazing sleuthing abilities which is pretty good considering she is a pill popper
  • Daniel got out of prison, the public hates him, he gets in interview with Cynthia McFadden where we all hope he opens the Grayson's skeleton closet, but of course he charms the public, covers for his Dad and celebrates by taking his Dad's desk chair out for a spin
  • Carol Miller (not the WNEW-FM DJ) used to work for Conrad, then found out some dirt, then faked her own death because she knew what was going on. Emily/Amanda (who I am going to start calling E/A from here on in) figures it all out in a few Google searches, hunts her down and finds another secret Nolan has kept from her...she is his "Aunt"...sure she is.
  • Jack told Daniel the truth about the hoodie
  • Totally not sure about Ashley at this point.  She's working for the Grayson's as a party planner, then a PR person then she quits to take a job with Mr. Brooks, (the lawyer) then Victoria asks her to still be a liason, then Conrad gives her a Lexus and hires her to handle the mess going on at Grayson global.  Won't Mr. Brooks be pissed? Wasn't she technically already working for Conrad?  Did he need to buy her a car when the company is under investigation??? 
  • Since the Grayson's won't be paying for Decklin's tuition, Nolan forks over some cash
  • Victoria went to the Feds (in a perfect outfit for cutting a deal) and exchanged immunity for screwing over her husband, then takes Charlotte to her real Dad's grave and they see that someone's been there (E/A...forgot to mention that)
  • If all this happened before the finale, I can hardly wait to see what will happen during the finale.  JUICY 
-I also fit in an episode of my new mini obsession, TANKED.  This week the boys had to build a headboard fish tank over a California King Bed for a showroom at Furnitureland a 1.3 million square foot furniture store in North Carolina that also showcases what I am guessing is the worlds tallest dresser at 85 feet!  Seriously...check it out

-If I'm MICK JAGGER, laying on my lounge chair over in Jumby Bay or wherever he hangs out these days, why on earth would I agree to leave paradise and not perform on SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, but host the finale?  Maybe it's one of those "Well...I've done EVERYTHING else...guess I'll take my chances at live comedy???"  Whatever the reason, it's a ratings winner!  I'll be watching.

-Yeah VAMPIRE DIARIES has been renewed along with 90210 and SUPERNATURAL.  My hopes for next season...more reasons for Damon to not wear a shirt.  

-Skylar Laine was voted off IDOL last night.  Don't know her, don't care, but I know you guys do.

-Well, they say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but when it comes to could also be something else.  FOX is spinning off the spinning chairs from THE VOICE for a show it is calling THE CHOICE. (Take that NBC) This show airs for 6 weeks this Summer and it's sort of an updated version of THE NEWLYWED GAME...sort of.  4 celebrity judges with their backs turned, audtion potential love interests...really??? Cat Deeley who also hosts SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE is set to host. This one is really an issue for me.  It is against my rules to watch dating shows...but I do love those spinning chairs...what to do...what to do?

-According to the latest Nielsen Cross-Platform Report:

  • The number of HDTV's grew to 80.2 million-up 8%
  • Traditional TV viewing still accounts for more than 33 hours per week
  • Gaming consoles are becoming a "secondary gateway to TV content"
  • Consoles can be found in 45% of TV homes-up 3%
  • 33.5 Million mobile phone owners now watch video on their phones-this is up a staggering 35.7%
-According to the latest ComScore MobiLens Report :
  • More than 106 Million people in the US own smartphones during Q1 2012
  • This is up 9% vs. 4Q 2011
  • Android is still the lead operating system with 51% market share 
  • This is up 3.7% vs 4Q 2011
  • Apple's IOS has a 30.7% market share
  • Downloaded applications were used by 50% of US mobile subscribers-up 2.4%
  • Browsers were used by 49.3% of US mobile subscribers
  • 36.1% accessed a social network site or blog which is up .8% (maybe they were checking out WWTM???)

WWTM Weekend Movie Pick: Super Troopers

Friday's Trivia Question: What was the name of the Tanner Family's Dog on FULL HOUSE?

Have a great weekend!

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