Thursday, June 21, 2012

2 JUSTIN'S AND JR's EYEBROWS, that was my Wednesday night.

The answer to Wednesday's Trivia Question: Crosby, Julia, Adam & Sarah's dad is Zeke Braverman on the show PARENTHOOD
FIRST FIVES: Mike Pierro, Elke Raskob, Millie Gerstein, Dani Jackel, & Larry Goldberg
Tuesday's Broadcast Top 5
Tuesday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5
NBA FINALS-ABC 2,668,725

Tuesday's Cable Top 5
DEADLIEST CATCH-Discovery 1.3/2.8
TEEN MOM-MTV 1.3/2.3
TOSH.O-Comedy Central 1.2/2.1

Tuesday's Cable Trendrr Top 5
EURO 2012 SOCCER-ESPN 310,188
EURO 2012 SOCCER-ESPN2 113,458
DANCE MOMS-Lifetime 72,366
WORKAHOLICS-Comedy Central 63,693

-LIVE WITH KELLY is in that pre-recorded mode, so until that ends, I'm bagging commenting on it.  Same contenders, same outfits, nothing really new to when there is something, I'll let you know. 

-I am admitting right here on this blog, I think I have a bit of a crush on Justin Silver the new, younger, groovier and way cuter than Cesar Milian dog whisperer from DOGS IN THE CITY.  I love dogs (I think I've told you that already) so this show had me from the beginning, but Justin is just so great with the people and the dogs he's training.  To be honest, I don't know how he doesn't scream at some of these dog owners and say "What the F is wrong with you?  Of course your dog is going to bite show if you guys keep smacking it in the face and driving it insane". I would have no patience for these idiots.  But Justin seems to be a patient professional who just provides great counseling and advice for these pet owners.  They need to add in surprise follow up visits with  these people one month later though...that's what the show now needs... I'm also noticing a bit of a weird trend on the show...leather L shaped couches.  Pretty sure there has been at least one family with at least one leather L shaped couch per episode.  Look, I had one too...back in the day, and if you guys have one I'm fine with it ,but honestly...I think it's time to move on, especially when you have dogs with nails who can scar, rip and mess up the leather. I'm digressing here.  Where was I?  Oh rock.

-Another Justin that sort of rocks I guess...Bieber, had a "special" last night on NBC,  JUSTIN BIEBER AROUND THE WORLD, that of course I just had to watch.  Look,  I love music, I love watching anything about how the music business works and Justin Bieber, whether you think he has talent or not, has a really interesting story, and an interesting way of navigating through the music business in this age of social networking and technology.  I admit it...I liked part 1 and will definitely be watching part 2 tonight.  They still haven't shown him shopping for his signature shoe/sneaker things...I'd like to know where one finds gold sneakers with wings that don't fly off while dancing.

-After my Justin doubleheader, it was back to DALLAS and the fight for Southfork.  I am pretty sure that Christopher and Bobby are the only good guys on the ranch these days and I'm nervous for them since pretty much EVERYONE else is out to bring them down in one way or another.  The show started out last night with JR and John Ross getting shaves and nobody in the room said "take some from the brows?"  I found that  to be a glitch in the show...I mean between JR's eyebrows and Rebecca/Scarface's super distracting scar it is really hard to concentrate on who is double and even triple crossing who.  I thought Scarface aka Christopher's wife, Rebecca was a good guy (girl)...NOT.  Even she is out to bring down Christopher...well...actually she isn't sure what she wants to do, but she definitely didn't start out loving him and SPOILER ALERT:  it wasn't John Ross who sent the break up email from Christopher to was Rebecca/Scarface.  Honestly...didn't see that one coming.  Cliff Barnes was back...remember him...the Ewing's main nemesis whose sister, Victoria Principal was married to Bobby before this chick from Desperate Housewives.  Pamela Ewing supposedly "disappeared" which means in soap opera speak that should could re-appear at any moment.  Can't wait to see if that happens...season ending cliffhanger maybe?  Tony Almeda from 24 seems to be tangled with the Ewings too...glad to see him working again...I thought he would turn up on TOUCH with Jack Bauer, but right now, he's working with JR. Oh and one note to the writers/producers...every episode needs at least one shirtless scene and this weeks attempt was LAME!

-DUCK DYNASTY, that show I tried to watch and just couldn't, has been renewed for another season.  Again, I didn't get this one, but tons of people really liked these ZZ Top duck lovin guys, so congrats for all of you that got another season.

-Lots going on over at the TODAY SHOW these days.  First we heard about the ratings dips, then we heard that Matt Lauer signed a "long term" contract.  We also heard at that time that if he did renew, that Ann Curry would be out and seems to be the truth as last night I read that she was negotiating for another more "hard hitting news" position at NBC.  I don't watch the TODAY SHOW, I am a GMA person when I am actually home to watch morning TV, but for those of you that do watch, was she there this AM???  Just curious. If it were me, I would start using my sick days.

-Also yesterday over there at the TODAY SHOW, Regis Philbin stopped by to chat with Matt Lauer and his old friend Kathie Lee.  Honestly, he seemed a little out of it in the video that I saw.  It made me a little sad.  He was there to promote the fact that he will be hosting the Macy's 4th of July festivities this year. 

-People always ask me how I watch so much and this chart is proof that I'm not the only one multitasking...I usually have my TV, IPAD/Laptop and my phone with me while I'm watching my shows...I guess I'm not alone!
Simultaneous Device Use While Watching TV According US Tablet Users, March 2012 (% of respondents)

-Monday's series premiere of LOVE & HIP HOP delivered a 1.3 A18-49 rating for VH1 at 8p and also averaged 1.9 million total viewers.  VH1 aired an encore of the premiere episode at 10p and combined with the first airing a total of 3.6 million viewers were tallied for the night.

-While the numbers are low...a .2, I still can't believe that 726,000 viewers actually tuned in and watched the new reality series BRISTOL PALIN: LIFE'S A TRIPP. WTF is wrong with never ceases to amaze me.  I mean I know I have issues and watch crazy stuff, but I do have limits...this would be one of them.  C'mon people...really?  (Sorry...this one doesn't get a photo!)

Thursday's Trivia Question: Who are Tony Soprano's kids?


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