Trivia Answer: Kevin Arnold's brother was Wayne, his sister was Karen and his BFF was Paul
First Fives: Mike O'Dea, Monica Caraffa, Jo Engel, Chuck Chiocco & Karen Feldman
Honorable Mention: Jim Carter
Tuesday's Broadcast Top 5NCIS-CBS 1.8/14.5
The Voice-NBC 1.8/9.6
Chicago Fire-MNBC 1.7/8.1
NCIS New Orleans-CBS 1.6/12.0
Chicago Med-NBC 1.6/8.1
Tuesday's Cable Top 5
NBA Playoffs-TNT 1.4/3.0
American Dad-Adult Swim .8/1.7
NBA Playoffs-TNT .8/1.9
America's Choice-CNN .7/3.1
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills-Bravo .7/2.0
Tuesday's Social Media Top 5
The Voice-NBC 507,000 Tweets
Hannity-FOX News 41,000 Tweets
The Flash-CW 39,000 Tweets
At Midnight-Comedy Central 33,000 Tweets
Marvel's Agents of SHIELD-ABC 32,000 Tweets
SurvivorThe show was boring me a bit last night and then...the immunity challenge and tribal got me literally screaming out loud at my TV. Sure Aubry's hairy pits were a bit distracting but having her hold those arms up, fighting for her flame against Jason-the-repulsive was crazy. She held it together for an hour and fifteen minutes and it was Jason who ended up with immunity. I was flipping out. I thought OMG if the final 3 include Scot and Jason I'm going to freak the F out. I hate the two of them. I hate that Scot spells his name with one "T" So when we're at tribal and Scot gets voted off and Jason and Scot are looking at Tai for that SuperIdol and the most peaceful little tree-loving dude says NO! I'm high-fiving my dogs and screaming like a lunatic. If that wasn't awesome than I don't know what is. Buh bye Scot with one F'ing "T" now let's get rid of Jason!!! Awesome gameplay Tai!
Okay lets recap:
Nobody sits in Freda's dad's chair at the barber shop
Lola isn't Jamal's kid
Tianna looks way better with the curly hair
Lucious bought Anika's baby boy a stuffed tiger

Dre's way smarter than we think when he's got his meds right
Something's up with Cookie's eyebrows
Hakeem doesn't use condoms
I'd go to a shareholder meeting if I was promised a rock concert to show up
Lucious's Mom who supposedly shot herself in the head in front of alive???
You it's time to pull the plug when there's literally no storyline left that you care about.

Gunnar & Autumn...don't care
Maddie/Cash...hating both of them
Layla/Avery/Juliette...enough already...Avery's NOT that great!
Will having terrible Gaydar? Ehhh I guess it's a tiny bit interesting but not enough to keep me going really.
I'm ready can pull the plug. Fine by me.
-The "I'm not proud of this, but I need to gossip about it anyway" section-
I watched Kelly & Michael live yesterday, excited to see how they would handle Michael's huge departure news. When I saw Ana Gasteyer walk out with Michael instead of Kelly I was screaming OMG KELLY DIDN'T COME TO WORK!!!! Went right on Twitter, it was blowing up. All day long articles about Kelly finding out about Michael leaving when we all did. Gotta admit, I'm obsessed. Here's my take:
Whether Kelly and Michael haven't been getting along or not, there was a definitely a friendship at one point and we've all been in a position where we are getting a new job and call our friend on the down low and say "you can't tell anyone yet but..." Michael owed that to Kelly. He did. Now...the fact that she didn't come to work yesterday is a problem for me. When you get paid $20 million bucks a year, or $36K a show for 40 minutes a day to chat with celebrities and wear Jimmy Choo' go to work. You act like an adult professional and you do your job. I get it, she's hurt, she's humiliated, she's furious...I get it, but we've all been there (Maybe not in public) but we suck it up and we go to work. Rumors are rampant. I'm reading GMA's going to go to 3 hours and either Kelly's show gets moved to 10AM or it goes away. Who cares? Her contracts good through 2017. She'll get paid. All I know is that my Facebook page and phone have been blowing up since this all started and I'm not ashamed to say that I'm loving every second. More to come...I promise!
-If you've never seen Parks & Rec or if you just miss it and would love to spend some time with Leslie and the gang, Esquire's airing a "Treat Yo Self" marathon of the entire series starting tomorrow at 7am through Sunday. DVR it! Great show!
-MTV renewed The Shannara Chronicles for any of you supposed Millenials who are watching.
-If you are a Game of Thrones fan and totally psyched for Sunday night...this is for you!
Thursday's Trivia Question: Of course it has to be a Kelly Ripa trivia question!!! Name Kelly's 3 kids.
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