Trivia Answer: Jennifer Anniston was the FRIEND who appeared as a psychiatrist on Cougar Town.
First Fives: Joe Stella, Elke Raskob, Chuck Chiocco, Monica Caraffa & Karen Feldman
Thursday's Broadcast Top 5NBA Finals-ABC 7.3/19.2
NBA Countdown-ABC 2.1/6.2
Big Bang Theory-CBS 1.6/7.7
Life in Pieces-CBS 1.2/6/2
Jimmy Kimmel Live Game Night-ABC 1.2/4.4
Thursday's Cable Top 5
American Dad-Adult Swim .9/1.7
Big Bang Theory-TBS .7/2.0
WWE Smackdown-USA .7/2.1
Bobs Burgers-Adult Swim .6/1.2
Cleveland Show-Adult Swim .6/1.2
Thursday's Social Media Top 5
Roots-History Channel 68,000 Tweets
WWE Smackdown-USA 36,000 Tweets
Braxton Family Values-WE 16,000 Tweets
Beauty and the Beast-CW 12,000 Tweets
Lip Sync Battle-Spike 10,000 Tweets
Late Night Ratings for the Week of 5/23/16-5/27/16
Colbert .4/2.0
Seth .4/1.4
James Corden .2/1.0
Carson .2/.8
Trevor .2/.7
Conan .2/.4
Larry .1/.5
Early Morning Ratings for the Week of 5/23/16-5/27/16
Today Show 1.5/1.7
GMA 1.3/1.5
CBS This AM .9/1.0
OutlanderGood news...I totally understood all of this weeks episode of Outlander. Jamie, Claire and their guys hooked up with the Jackobite dudes and a few of the old gang was very happy to see them. Guess who showed up? Uncle Colin that bald dude that screwed over Claire a thousand times. Jamie and Claire took him down a few pegs which we enjoyed but he sure didn't. Being at the camp and seeing all the pseudo soldiers getting trained caused Claire to experience a little PTSD from the war she had already experienced. At first she did the normal wife thing and told Jamie she was "fine" but Jamie got her to admit the truth because that's how great of a relationship they have. Long story as to why Jamie let himself get a bunch of lashings, but if you've been watching Outlander from the beginning the last thing you ever want to see is our beloved Jamie get whipped with a belt. Of course, 12 lashes was nothing for Jamie but I could barely watch it knowing all he had been through.
Chef's Table
Finished Season 2 of Chef's Table on Netflix. Season 2 was better than Season 1. I was so obsessed with it that I not only tweeted to David Gelb the director of most of the episodes, but I truly contemplated quitting my job and traveling to each country to experience each restaurant, meet each chef and start a brand new blog just to document the process. Problem is, I need the paychecks to get me there and pay for all the meals so I'll have to put my plan on the back burner for now, but the second I retire, I'm doing this. The way the food is filmed is brutal because I'm sure I ate a ridiculous amount of calories purely because the shows all made me THINK I was starving. These chef's have taken the art and creativity of food to a whole new level. Only two of the restaurants featured were in the United States, Alinea in Chicago and Atelia Crenn in San Francisco. Those are pretty doable, but, I'm also going to need to get to Thailand, Slovenia, Mexico City and Sao Paulo in order to complete my mission. I also need to get to Japan to meet Jiro the sushi guy. I'll let you know when I'm on my way.
Game of Thrones
I bagged the Cavs/Warriors game at halftime. Glad I did, GOT was WAY better than the game. This week, a bookend of surprises with surprises in-between the bookends. First...where was the GOT music and cool opening credits? A cold open??? I got all freaked out when the show didn't open the normal way last night. Just some dude carrying a giant tree trunk and then we found out, it was THE HOUND! He's alive and THEN sound the music and let the credits roll. Ian McShane showed up but he won't be back. Jon Snow and Sansa got 62 guys out of some cool new 10 year old badass named Lady Lianna. Margerie ISN'T brainwashed. No idea what the rose drawing meant to her grandmother but it obviously was a good sign after all. She also isn't doing the nasty with her king which is a problem since even the High Sparrow guy needs the king to have an heir. Isn't Margerie's crown ridiculous? Way too small for her skull. She looked like a young deer with antlers or something. I think the High Sparrow needs to stop worrying about Margerie and do a load of laundry and maybe grab a shower. He's gotta stink with that dirty shmatta he's wearing. Poor Theon's out clubbing with his sister before shipping out to go meet Dani and the Dragons. She can get down and dirty but poor Theon's got no weiner and all those boobs around him. Ya gotta feel for the guy. Margerie's grandma had THE best line of the night when speaking with Cersei, "I wonder if you're the worst person I ever met" line. Pretty sure the guy whose throat was going to be slit at Blackfish's place was the evil Blackjack Randall from Outlander. Anyone catch that? Now for the big finale. Everyone in The Hounds little village, including Ian McShane was killed. Now the Hound is on his own again. Arya was all set to ship out when that faceless bitch stabbed her a million times in the stomach. Can she live through that? She can't die! Not with everything she's been through. If there was no point to all her suffering, schlepping and training, I'm going to be reallllly pissed off.

What is tops in NY? RuPaul's Drag Race
NJ? Shark Tank
Florida, Texas, and Illinois also enjoy the Sharks.
No Surprise that California loves the Kardashians. The only other state to enjoy them...Arizona.
-Only 1 season under her belt and Michelle Collins is already out at The View. Do we need to keep The View going at this point? Isn't one bunch of diverse, opinionated women during daytime enough? The Talk's been holding it together for a while now. Let's just call it a day
-TV Land renewed Lopez for Season 2. Just thought I'd mention it because it was a slow TV news weekend. Not sure anyone watches this show. I've never met anyone who has.
Monday's Trivia Question: What are the real names of The Property Brothers?
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