Thursday, January 19, 2012


Corky Thatcher was the first actor with Downs Syndrome to be featured on a TV show, and this question was apparently an easy one, as I had over 40 responses.
FIRST FIVES: Candace Gorin, Bobby Aguilera, Jennifer Rosoff, Robert Schachter, & Vanessa Benfield

Sunday’s Cable Top 5- FINALLY!
CAJUN PAWN STARS-History 1.5/3.9
AX MEN-History 1.4/3.4
MOB WIVES 2-VH1 1.1/2.0

Monday’s Cable Top 5
PAWN STARS-History 2.3/6.0
WWE-USA 1.7/4.2
LOVE & HIP HOP-VH1 1.6/3.0
AMERICAN PICKERS-History 1.6/4.9
TI & TINY-VY1 1.5/3.0

Tuesday’s Broadcast Top 5
NEW GIRL-FOX 3.4/6.9
GLEE (KF)-FOX 3.0/7.4

Tuesday’s Broadcast Trendrr Top 5
GLEE (KF)-FOX 274,458
NCIS-CBS 18,997

Tuesday’s Cable Top 5

Tuesday’s Cable Trendrr Top 5
DANCE MOMS-Lifetime 44,066
TEEN MOM 2- MTV 35,835

-I think they found the perfect Co-Host for Kelly…seriously…Mario Lopez.  I had never seen him on the show before, but honestly…he was perfect.  He had chemistry with Kelly, he was very comfortable, extremely cute, he was great with the audience…he has “it”. I even got over the fact that he cheated on Ali Landry on their honeymoon… However, it sounded to me like he was very much into his family and I don’t know how he would feel about moving to NYC…or if it’s even an option…all I know is…that so far, other than NPH, Jeff Probst or Anderson Cooper…Mario is the best choice.

-The reason that PARENTHOOD is so good, isn’t because I am moved to tears each week, it’s because the emotions are SOOOO real.  In Tuesday’s episode, Hattie got into Cornell, and while even I was so proud and happy for her, I automatically thought to myself…how are Adam and Christina going to afford to send her?  Adam lost his job, Christina just went back to work, Max’s doctors are so expensive and they just had another kid…and Adam and Christina were heartbroken and I felt their devastation…but they did what all of us would do…first they were practical and told Hattie to keep her options open, then just when you can’t bear it…Adam walks in to tell her she can’t go and says basically what I would say…”I have no idea how we are going to make it work, but if Cornell is what you want…we will figure it out”  Adam is crying, Hattie is crying and Kristy Carruba…a big pile of mush…that’s why PARENTHOOD is sooooo good!

-Have I ever discussed my secret guilty pleasure?  Not sure actually…but I need to…TORI & DEAN…it’s like crack to me.  I love the show, I love them, I love their friends, I love the fact that they have a pig, a goat and chicks running around their house.  I can’t explain the look on my face while I watch them every week…I know, I know…you can make fun of me all you want.  I just have to come clean and admit it though.  This week, Tori had a séance and what I loved was that Jeff Lewis and Gage (from FLIPPING OUT) were there, I had no idea that they were all friends.  Jeff was hilarious as always, and of course Gage was a quiet boring robot head.  Okay…I feel better…I got it out. 

-I really think that my desire to watch the last season of ONE TREE HILL is almost over. The show jumped the shark when Jaime started talking and walking and now Brooke and Julian are the parents of twins and if that all wasn’t enough they are making Marvin “Malph” McFadden wear a fat suit and be a slob???  I don’t know how many more episodes I can take…wasn’t Chad Michael Murray supposed to be back already?  We need him fast…Evil Dan is on the loose, Nate’s in Europe and Chris Keller is back in town…come back Lucas Scott…please!

-On SUBURGATORY last night, the guys all head to Atlantic City for the night and Tessa has Scott her extremely cute BF over.  All good, great episode, but I am obsessed with Scott.  (sorry Jay Mohr)  I know I know him from somewhere, but I cannot figure out where…did anyone watch?  Anyone have a clue where we may have seen him before?  I have to IMDB it…

-Did you guys watch last night’s episode of MODERN FAMILY?  I know there was all of this press about Lily cursing and dropping the “F” bomb, but I have to admit…it was hilarious and what was better was that Cam thought it was hilarious too!  Add in the light up wedding, Stella the suicidal dog, Claire’s debate with Tobias Funke from ARRESTED DEVELOMENT, and Gloria saying “squeaky weiner” and you have another classic episode…the only thing I wish you guys could experience is how my 10 year old son imitates Gloria by screaming…Jayyyyyyyy…it is dead on!  Oh and I if you haven’t opted in for the MODERN FAMILY MEMORY BOOK…you really should…especially if you want to see a hilarious additional clip from last night’s show…trust me it’s worth the opt in!  In addition to that clip, Phil’s Autotune video did in fact go viral…check it out:

-Against my better judgement but at my sons request, we did watch the first hour of IDOL and it was really good.  I can see why America loves it.  It is definitely the best of the bunch at this point…even with Joan Rivers as a judge…ooops I mean Steven Tyler…seriously do you guys see the incredible resemblance???  They look exactly alike except that Joan would never say to the father of a young contestant when he was asked how Boston was “hot, humid and happening…just like your daughter”…well, now that I think about it…maybe she would.  Oh…and there was a contestant named Gabi Carrubba…no relation as we only have one “B”,  but we were freaking out thinking we had found a long lost relative who could maybe get us tickets to the show…just kidding.  Ryan Seacrest…have to admit it…he is GOOD…Steve Jones…hope you were watching…I don’t have a clue how I can continue to watch IDOL and everything else, especially once THE VOICE is back (immediately following the SUPERBOWL for anyone who lives under a rock)…but I think I may have to try.  PRESSURE!

-One of my favorites…SURVIVOR comes back on 2/15 and I can’t wait, especially now that they have already announced the twist…the tribes will be divided by men and women BUT they will all live on the same beach!  This is actually pretty cool because a lot of super double secret alliances across tribes could be formed…great idea Jeff!

-I like the chart below…while none of it is that shocking, I think what a lot of us in this business need to pay attention to is the trends with the “Trailing Millennials and Leading Millennials as they are consuming programming through vehicles that work best for them and their lifestyles…As you can see 35% of 14-28 year olds view TV via free online video services and on demand…food for thought marketers…food for thought!

-The Fall 2011 launch of Apple's iPhone 4S has had a big impact on smartphone purchases. Among recent purchasers, those who bought a new mobile device within the last three months, 44.5% of those surveyed in December said they selected an iPhone compared to just 25.1% in October. Even more specifically, 57% of new iPhone owners surveyed in December said they got an iPhone 4S. Android continues to be the leader among all smartphone users with 46.3% of all smartphone owners surveyed in fourth quarter 2011 saying they have an Android-based mobile phone. 46% of US mobile consumers say they own smartphones and that number is rapidly rising. Furthermore, 60% of those who bought a new mobile device within the last three months said they chose a smartphone over a feature phone.  All good for me…I am predicting that those numbers will continue to increase throughout 2012.

Thursday’s Trivia Question-What was Mario Lopez’s characters name on SAVED BY THE BELL?


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