Tuesday, January 3, 2012


HAPPY 2012!
Hope you all had a great holiday!

The last trivia question I sent was a while ago so to refresh your memories…the question was: What was the original name of this email?

The only person who knew and/or remembered that my email was originally called TV NEWS OF THE DAY was: Soren Tanis.  Good memory Soren!

Sunday’s Broadcast Top 5
Not available yet due to the holiday

Sunday’s Broadcast Trendrr Top 5

Sunday’s Cable Top 5
Not available yet due to the holiday

Sunday’s Cable Trendrr Top 5
MOB WIVES-VH1 119,545
FINDING BIGFOOT-Animal Planet 14,377

Hope you all were busy vacationing, visiting friends & family, and relaxing…I didn’t really do too much.  Caught up on some movies, the two best ones I saw were THE IDES OF MARCH and THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, and then some TV which included, the first seasons of PARKS & RECREATION, GAME OF THRONES and THE LYING GAME.  All of which were enjoyable. If someone would have bet me that I would watch and enjoy GAME OF THRONES I would have lost the bet big time. I have never been a big history person, never into fighting, and medieval stuff with wars etc.  Just not my thing at all, however, this show is AMAZING! Pretty violent and gory and…sorta a bit of light porno in spots with a lot of nudity (and not just the women).  So if anyone is considering checking it out (and you should) you need to know what you are getting into, although I have to admit, I kind of liked not knowing what to expect.  My newest obsession is the guy that plays Jon Snow (he is the Lord of Winterfell’s bastard son who was sent to the wall to be a watchman).  I Googled him…this is his first major role, so I can’t even use him in a trivia question, but he is super cute and has awesome hair.  No idea on his body because he wears lots of heavy cloaks and armor etc.  So glad I listened to all of you guys on this recommendation, it really was a fun diversion from family drama and tree cleanup.

Ok, get your mocking done now on this next one… I watched the entire first season of THE LYING GAME on ABC Family on New Year’s Day.  My cousin (who is a WWTM reader) recommended it and was relentless until I watched it and of course now, I am hooked.  Which is great because last night was the Season 2 Premiere. I know, I know, how can I even mention GAME OF THRONES in the same breath as THE LYING GAME, but THE LYING GAME is a different kind of enjoyment…brainless, stupid, high school girly stuff…you guys know what I mean.

What did you do on New Year’s Eve?  If you were like most people, at some point you turned on DICK CLARKS’ (or almost Ryan Seacrest’s) NEW YEARS ROCKIN EVE.  22.6 million people watched, which was the biggest audience in 11 years.  We were at our friends house and there was about a second of debate as to whether we should or shouldn’t watch it and of course we had it on for the countdown, but let’s be honest…we know why we wanted to watch…we wanted to see Dick Clark and what kind of progress he has made since last New Year’s Eve.  We wanted to see him kiss his wife at midnight and we got what we wanted.  Other than the crazy amount of face makeup they put on him, I think Dick looked and spoke pretty well but, gotta be honest…it is still somewhat of that traffic accident mentality... know what I mean?  Also…I kinda feel like Ryan Seacrest waits with baited breath each year to find out if Dick is going to show up or not, and was this the first year that Ryan’s name was in the show title? 

Last night HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER was back with an original episode and had quite a few laugh out loud moments…two that come to mind… Ted and Barney’s bar called Puzzles because everyone will ask “why is the bar called Puzzles?” and that’s the Puzzle as well as Marshall’s Dads’ theory that SPAM stands for Sliced Processed Alien Meat.  On 2 ½ MEN which is just soooo ridiculous, but even though I know this, I find myself with a stupid smile on my face while watching…I would like to attribute that smile to Ashton, but I think that Jon Cryer is pretty funny and is finally demonstrating how talented he actually is. 

Up next was the return of REAL HOUSEWIVES OF BEVERLY HILLS which I have to say just gets more and more uncomfortable each week.  This week, Brandi is the one who appears and admits to being medicated.  She can barely speak and as usually we can see most of her body as all of her clothes are see through and barely cover her privates.  In addition to these issues, this week she was totally flirting with Lisa’s husband Ken, but if you haven’t heard, she got married to some guy in Vegas on New Year’s Eve (which won’t last long I’m betting) so Ken shouldn’t feel that flattered.  Additionally this was the episode where Taylor calls the girls while they are all on the beach in Hawaii to tell them that her marriage is over and Russell is moving out. AWKWARD!

My football season is sadly over for the year, my JETS stunk, they did…I know.  My super cute quarterback stunk…He did, I know.  As a professional JETS fan I will say what we always say…”maybe next year”.  So to get me through the post season, I have decided to route for two teams:  Gotta route for the Giants since they are my “home” team and then I think I am going to route for the San Francisco 49ers.  Just throwin it out there.

FOX announced yesterday that they are dropping the SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE results show for the upcoming season.  Not sure how that will work, but if the changes they have in store are good ones, I recommend to all the other shows where we have to commit 4 hours a week to take notice…

Google's Android remained the top smartphone platform, controlling a 46.9% market share which is a 3.1% increase YOY.  Apple came in 2nd with a 28.7% market share which was an increase of 1.4% YOY
RIM maintained its third-place position and saw the biggest drop-off as it fell from a 19.7% share to 16.6%.

Over 300 million people accessed Facebook via their smartphone apps in December 2011.  100 million were Apple mobile users.  87.8 million came from Android phones. However, Google edges out Apple when it comes to daily usage: Android Facebook app users number up to 59.7 million per day, compared to 58.4 million for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Meanwhile, RIM's BlackBerry demonstrates a higher penetration rate (70% of RIM's 70 million active users have installed the Facebook app) than Android or iOS (around 50%).

Final 2011 holiday sales data released from Amazon features some great news for the online retailer's family of Kindle products. Throughout December 2011, customers purchased over 1 million Kindle devices per week; the Kindle Fire, Kindle Touch and Kindle held down the top three spots on Amazon's best seller charts, in that order. When specifically looking at the newest addition to the Kindle family, the Kindle Fire, the holiday data revealed that it has been the best-selling and most wished-for item on Amazon.com, as well as on its mobile site and apps, since the device's introduction over 13 weeks ago.  We purchased one for my son and he LOVES it!  Actually we all love it…it’s really a great device.
While on break, I got hooked on a new (I think it’s new) website/social network thing called PINTEREST, if you haven’t checked it out you really should.  Anyway…I saw this on there and thought it was really funny and actually pretty accurate…of course I needed to share it:

Tuesday’s Trivia Question: Over the holiday, Mary Tyler Moore celebrated her 75th birthday on December 29th.  I couldn’t believe that when I heard it.  So in honor of MTM: What TV station did she work at in Minneapolis on her show?

The winner of the “INVITE A FRIEND” contest for 2011 was Nancy O’Boyski from WABC-TV with 21 invites…congrats Nance…your prize is on its way!


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