Friday, February 17, 2012


The answers to Thursday’s Trivia Question: Jeremy Lin graduated from Harvard in 2010
FIRST FIVES: Jim Wall, Bill McLaughlin, Lance Beitler, James Schiro, & Karen Heniger

Wednesday’s Broadcast Top 5
CSI-CBS 2.6/11.0

Wednesday’s Broadcast Trendrr Top 5

Wednesday’s Cable Top 5
FACE OFF-Syfy .9/2.0
TOP CHEF-Bravo .9/1.7

Wednesday’s Cable Trendrr Top 5
SOUTH PARK-Comedy Central 50,758
TOP CHEF-Bravo 19,702

-I really don’t want to drive you all nuts with my Kelly Ripa obsession, so you need to let me know if this segment should be cut or kept at this point.  I have been going on and on since December and don’t want to lose any readers…the funny thing is, prior to Regis’s departure, I didn’t have a season pass for the show.  I only watched it if I was home or on vacation at the beach. I never DVR’ed it and watched it like a lunatic the way I do now.  I am intrigued by the behind the scenes casting process, and I have always liked Kelly even back when she danced on DANCE PARTY USA in Philadelphia.  However, I have obviously become a bit obsessed about her and her hopefully soon to be revealed co-host.  So while I will tell you that yesterday it was the return of Josh Groban (like him-don’t love him) and her outfit was average, and the yucky necklace was apparently in her dressing room, I would like for you guys to weigh in here and let me know if I should keep the Kelly reports coming…or chuck them…I of course will continue to watch…but leave it up to you if I report on it or not, and don’t worry I won’t be offended in any way.

-Media blackout on REVENGE has been lifted.  Thank you all for keeping your comments until today.  WOW what a great episode.  So happy that it wasn’t Daniel on the beach but again…SHOCKER/SPOILER ALERT…to have Daniel now apparently be Tyler’s killer??? Or, what about the possibility of Amanda/Emily being a possible suspect?  She was bleeding too and in the crazy car with the Japanese dude going who knows where.  Oh and if all that wasn’t enough…Poor Charlotte is now, in one episode, addicted to Rush Limbaugh’s favorite pill of choice…Oxycodone.  Awesome cliffhanger episode, and the best part isn’t that Daniel may be a killer, but that the hottest guy on the show isn’t dead…that would have really pissed me off.

-Last night’s 30 ROCK was pretty amazing.  I loved the first shot of Liz talking to Jack about the REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NY and why didn’t I come up with R-WIVES?  Thanks Tina Fey!  How hilarious was it when Liz thought that the words to the Jay-Z/Alicia Keys song “Empire State of Mind” were “Concrete bung whole where dreams are made up, there’s nothing you can do”…I will officially be singing only those lyrics from here on in.  Steve Buscemi’s Ann Taylor Loft shout out…paid for or not…awesome.  And the Chewbacca costume made out of hair extensions was also hilarious.  The end, which I am calling a tribute (rather than a mockery) to Batman was brilliant.  I see an Emmy in your future again…this episode was the one to submit to the Academy…when is the deadline to get it in?

-Louis C.K. apparently used to date Leslie Knopes on PARKS & RECREATION…he returned to Pawnee to profess he is still in love with her.  Personally, I don’t see Leslie falling for the Louis C.K. type, but maybe that’s because I think Ben is perfect for her.  Louis C.K. (do people call him Louie C.K. all the time?  Just Louis?  C? K?) was funny…seems like they have set it up for a possible return at any point which is fine by me.  Rob Lowe in his sweater with the t-shirt underneath and the perfect hair, singing was lovely. He doesn’t have to be in every shot…it’s all about quality for me, not quantity.  I found the “Catch Your Dream” theme song sort of catchy and of course there is a music video available for download…check it out:

-More singing on SUBURGATORY by another cutie…Jeremy Sisto, who sang “Horse With No Name” to Ryan…which reminded me of when he was Elton in CLUELESS and sang in the car to Cher.  I wonder if the writers had the same idea as I did…hmmmm maybe

-Starting out with a topless Damon is the right way to start THE VAMPIRE DIARIES each week if you ask me. Of course, who is at the door first thing in the morning after Damon and Rebecca have a “fun” night together…Elena. But now it seems we may be back to square one…Stefan seems to be on the -human blood- wagon, his humanity seems to be returning and Damon seems to be back, and okay with, being the brooding bad guy/good brother again and Elena…when she isn’t almost getting killed is of course still torn between them both.  I am liking Klaus and Caroline and hope that something happens between them…but you know that Tyler will be back to complicate everything…and of course the psycho doctor is…a psycho but I am hoping that she didn’t actually kill Alaric…aka rick. 

-There is a bit of a mystery as to why THE COLBERT REPORT has been running repeats for the past few days.  Everyone associated with the show seems to be keeping this all quiet.  I don’t watch THE COLBERT REPORT, so I didn’t notice, but of course now the mystery has even me a bit intrigued…I guess…more to come on this one.

-I haven’t seen this week’s ONE TREE HILL, but I did read that Sophia Bush and Austin Nichols who are married on the show, and dating in real life, are now splitsville.  Now we know why the show is ending finally…in addition to the fact that it jumped the shark a while ago…Sophia is out of guys.  First she married Chad Michael Murray (Lucas), then she dated James Lafferty (Nathan) and now…Austin.  If I were an actor on the set of her next TV show or Movie, I would watch out and stay clear.

-It is official…Kimberly McCullough, Robin Scorpio on GENERAL HOSPITAL is leaving the show.  She has been on the show since 1985 (that’s when I still watched it) and she was 7 then, so if I do the math correctly she is what like 33-34 now?  Holy cow…How old am I?  OLD.

-I don’t watch much news at all, so I don’t really care that MSNBC dumped Pat Buchanan but for anyone who does…there…I reported it.

-While I wouldn’t call Oprah Winfrey desperate, I am sort of chuckling that she now has to “do the circuit” of appearances to remind people that she actually has a network and a show…Oprah is going to be a presenter at this year’s Oscars which isn’t huge news, as she has done that before, but that was also because she had her show, live at the Kodak theatre the next day that featured most of the winners, but this year, my favorite host in need of a style/necklace makeover, Kelly Ripa, got that gig…so Oprah is free to show up as a guest on Jimmy Kimmel’s live Oscar post show to remind people she is alive, working hard and over on channel 788.  I hope Jimmy doesn’t kiss her butt the way everyone else does…

-A few things I still find surprising when I look at this chart:
1) So little timeshifted TV by all groups
2) So little video/internet viewing by all groups
3) So much traditional TV by the younger groups

WWTM Weekend Movie Rental Suggestion: LITTLE MANHATTAN is a movie I watched with my 10 year old a while back.  It is about two little kids who fall in love in NYC and NYC is really a huge part of the story.  Really good movie if you haven’t seen it.

Friday’s Trivia Question:  Okay you guys all complained that yesterday’s trivia question was too easy…so…lets go for a harder one today…Last night on PARKS & RECREATION, we learned that Ron, has a secret passion for music and sings under a different name…any idea what it is?

Have a great weekend


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