Monday, March 26, 2012

MAD MEN is just NOT for me! 3/26/12

The answer to Friday’s Trivia Question: Sergeant Emma was Alice’s twin cousin who came to watch the Brady’s…
FIRST FIVES: Elke Raskob (my sister-in-law), Bill McLaughlin, Jim Wall, Jamie Piro & Alyson Twilley

The answer to the final NCAA Trivia Question: Indiana vs. North Carolina and Isaiah Thomas was the player who turned NBA coach.
FIRST FIVES: He Who Shall Not Be Named, Emily Dillon, Bobby Aguilera***, Larry Price &  Pete Insley

Thursday’s Broadcast Top 5
TOUCH (CFF)-FOX 3.2/11.6
NCAA-CBS 2.4/6.2

Thursday’s Broadcast Trendrr Top 5
NCAA-CBS 122,919
NCAA-CBS 99,094

Thursday’s Cable Top 5
NCAA-TBS 1.4/3.1
AMERICAN DAD-Adult Swim .9/2.3
ARCHER-FX .8/1.3
PROJECT RUNWAY-Lifetime .8/2.4

Thursday’s Cable Trendrr Top 5
NCAA-TBS 110,854
NCAA-TBS 64,487
30 ROCK-Comedy Central

Friday’s Broadcast Top 5
NCAA-CBS 2.2/6.5
20/20-ABC 1.6/5.4

Friday’s Broadcast Trendrr Top 5
NCAA-CBS 83,867
NCAA-CBS 63,384
NIKITA-CW 19,788

Friday’s Cable Top 5
Not Available Yet

Friday’s Cable Trendrr Top 5
NCAA-TBS 87,770
NCAA-TBS 74,464
WWE-Syfy 51,975
SPARTACUS-Starz 22,572

-ONCE UPON A TIME was soooo good last night and it definitely moves to prove my theory that the writers have to be high to come up with this concept on a regular basis…Last night, we met Jefferson, who apparently lives in Storybrooke but has been confined to his house…aka Wonderland…Jefferson is…The Mad Hatter.  Such a cool backstory…basically Jefferson was known to have this magic hat and the Queen knew about it and promised Jefferson (who was a mushroom hunter and super poor at the time) that if he helped her, she would make sure his daughter would want for nothing…but of course she tricked him…he took her into the hat and through the looking glass (which was this really cool liquidy mirror) into a land that only a stoner could create (I mean there was a big giant bug doing bong hits and wearing a Kofi)…anyway the thing with the looking glass was that if 2 people go through, 2 people have to come back, but the Queen went there to get her Daddy out of a box, so basically she took her Dad back through and screwed over Jefferson who is stuck in Wonderland  aka his house in the real world and can’t get back to his daughter in either world.  At first in the real world, Emma thinks that Jefferson has a few screws loose because he is on the same page as Henry and knows what the real deal is with Storybrooke, but then, at the end of the episode, we kinda think that maybe Emma does begin to believe.

-I tried, I really did…I knew a lot of you guys would be watching MAD MEN, so I really tried to watch the season premiere.  I did watch it for the first 2 seasons, but it got old and annoying and I didn’t like a lot about those characters and that time in business, so I bagged it.  I didn’t want to let you guys down, so I tuned in and seriously…I lasted 28 minutes and then went back to CELEBRITY APPRENTICE.

-CELEBRITY APPRENTICE was shocking to me last night.  I definitely thought SPOILER ALERT: that the girls won the challenge hands down…I mean they created a song, recorded it and handed the CD’s out to all of the guests, but when they didn’t and the guys did, it was literally…a jawdropper.  That Aubrey O’Day is amazing…she talked her way into staying in the game better than anyone I have ever seen.  She was the one who had to approve all the signage, and she missed the fact that they really didn’t have any Crystal Light logos anywhere…but she SO threw Patricia (no idea what she is famous for) under the bus big time and buh bye Patricia.  The challenge to create launch parties for 2 new flavors of Crystal light was a direct ripoff of the Snapple Challenge from the season with Brett Michaels, but good for Crystal Light…my only complaint is that if you are launching the new flavors and doing this entire push…why weren’t they included in the TV commercial…as my boss would say…big miss!

-Totally bummed that ICE LOVES COCO was a rerun last night, I really wanted my husband to watch it with me and we were all set to do just that but it was a rerun, so I finished a chapter of 50 Shades Darker and went to bed.

-I know you guys know that I have a girl crush on Gwyneth Paltrow, so first and foremost, thanks for reminding me that she was on RACHEL RAY this past Friday to defend the charges that she did in fact write every word of her cookbook, “My Fathers’ Daughter” (Which I own but have yet to cook from).  She was on with Rachel via Skype, in her PJ’s drinking wine, with no make-up and she was amazing.  Completely beautiful and complimentary to everyone at the NY Times (her accusers) and her staff…she is a class act…I still love her.

-I covered some of the next stories over on the blog on Saturday (along with a quick Kelly update from Friday since the show is still pre-recorded) so some of the next stuff may be a bit repetitive for all of you subscribers to the blog.

-TORI & DEAN are pregnant with her 4th kid and his 5th…don’t cha think that is just way too many kids…Someone suggested that she is being paid by WE to have more kids to make the show more interesting…trust me the show was interesting enough with things the way they were…that is a lot of kids, plus they have a ton of pets and a ton of friends.  Well, at least Patsy their baby nurse is psyched…she will end up living with them for 2 more seasons…ka-ching!

-I am kind of bummed that Camille Grammar is leaving REAL HOUSEWIVES OF BEVERLY HILLS, she had really turned her character around in season 2.  There hasn’t been a real reason I could find as to why she has decided to leave, I’m wondering if it has anything to do with her custody battle..We will miss her or at least I will.

-The list of topics for my Jimmy Fallon sleepover just keeps getting longer…did any of you guys watch Jimmy interview Madonna for her ONLY interview promoting her new album on Facebook over the weekend?  He was really great with her and she looked amazing and even got Jimmy to dance.  Say whatever you want about Madonna, but she rocks…

-Almost two-thirds of 18 to 29 year-old women check social media sites while watching TV.
·         44% of respondents said that social media is the primary method through which 18 to 29 year-old women learn about breaking news
·         Half are likely to use social media to comment on news and events
·         Over 35% of 18 to 29 year-old women would try a new product based on a friend's social media recommendation."

-155 Million bucks is what THE HUNGER GAMES raked in over the weekend making it the best opening for a non-sequel ever and 3rd place overall.  We saw it yesterday and loved it.  My son and I both read the book and we were more than satisfied with the movie…My husband…not so much, but he was tired and cranky…so I am hoping that when we get the DVD, he watches it again and changes his mind.

-I am lucky enough to have the privilege to work from home on Fridays, and while these facts have nothing really to do with TV, I thought that they were interesting only because a lot of you reading this are managers who have the power to allow your employees to work from home, so I just thought you would be interested to know that:
·         The average commute is 45 minutes each way which is 1.5 hours that could be spent working (mine is about an hour each way)
·         Working from home results in a 10-20% increase in employee productivity (absolutely true…I work way more at home than I do in the office)
·         76% of telecommuters are more willing to put in extra work (also true)
·         78% of managers think flexible working hours retain and motivate important staff members (I hope they do…it does motivate me)
·         86% of telecommuters say they are more productive in their home office (I SO am!)
·         36% of telecommuters would choose telecommuting over a pay raise (well, let’s not go that far)
·         73% of workers say they eat healthier when they are at home (completely true)
·         80% say they maintain a better work-life balance by telecommuting (you have no idea how true this statement is)
·         80% of workers in America get to work by driving alone in a car
·         50 million telecommuters could save 587 million barrels of oil-equivalent to 74% of U.S. gulf oil imports
·         40% of US jobs could be carried out from home
·         Even just one day of telecommuting could save 423,000 tons of greenhouse gas the equivalent of taking 77,000 cars off the road for a year

-We know that the BROADCAST revenues are down, but this chart does not take into account the mobile/internet radio dollars as those are obviously way up.

-Monday’s Trivia Question: Who is Gwyneth Paltrow’s Mom?

-Monday's Blog Only Trivia Question: What movie franchise is Gwyneth's Mom a part of? 

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