Tuesday, March 27, 2012


The answer to Monday’s Trivia Question: Blythe Danner is Gwyneth Paltrow’s Mom
FIRST FIVES: Karen Heniger, Soren Tanis, Bobby Aguilera, Jim Wall & Mike Pierro

The answer to Monday’s Blog Only Trivia Question: Blythe stars in all of the MEET THE PARENTS movies
FIRST THREE: Soren Tanis, Bobby Aguilera & Stephanie Bognuda,

Friday’s Cable Top 5
NCAA 730p-TBS 1.6/4.5
NCAA 1030p-TBS 1.5/3.5
PRINCESS & THE FROG-Disney .9/4.3
WWE-Syfy .8/2.7

Sunday’s Broadcast Top 5
NCAA/60 MINUTES-CBS 2.9/11.9
GCB-ABC 2.2/6.4

Sunday’s Broadcast Trendrr Top 5
NCAA-CBS 360,420
NCAA-CBS 181,205

Sunday’s Cable Top 5
Final numbers not available

Sunday’s Cable Trendrr Top 5
MAD MEN-AMC 218,895
MOB WIVES-VH1 38,398
FROZEN PLANET-Discovery 29,904

-Still pre-recorded LIVE WITH KELLY shows, but it was a good one…Jerry O’Connell was on again and he was really pretty good…he has HUGE hands that I never noticed before though…a bit distracting…but he was good…Kelly’s outfit was actually perfect and no necklace until they went to the interviews so as soon as I saw that…delete! I know that they can’t all be live shows, but you do really feel the difference when they are pre-recorded… Maybe on the days that it isn’t live, they should call the show “PRE-RECORDED WITH KELLY”…in these days of complete transparency it’s only fair right?

-On Sunday night, Coco – T (Ice-T’s wife-I really should Google her last name) was on WATCHING WHAT HAPPENS LIVE…I just love that woman and Andy really didn’t give her enough time…he also had on Cynthia from REAL HOUSEWIVES OF ATLANTA and seemed to favor her more time than Coco (maybe because Cynthia’s show is on Bravo and Coco’s isn’t?), but Coco did play “Plead the Fifth” and she did bump Andy’s face with her big booty which was odd…she claims her boobs are 34DD but there is no way she’s right…maybe she is squeezing those guys into that size, but as Oprah informed the world…most women are not sized properly and are walking the earth in the wrong bra…so Coco…you may want to think about going to Nordstrom for a fitting!

-Okay seriously…THE VOICE has now been on since February and by my count, the judges have still only worn 2 outfits…WTF is up with this?  Even Howard Stern was complaining about it this morning on his show.  I need outfit changes NBC!  I know you guys are watching your money these days, but THE VOICE is your hottest show…increase the wardrobe budget…PLEASE!  Christina’s sparkly flying saucer hat and droopy boobs were interesting and distracting for a few weeks, but I’m ready to move on and I am betting the audience is too!  Last night was the last of the battle rounds.  My favorite was Tony (the bald sorta creepy guy) vs. Justin. SPOILER ALERT: Tony won, but seriously it was the toughest battle out of all of them.  No Purrrfect the cat and unfortunately Adam didn’t wear his red sweater at any of the mentor sessions but still…great TV

-Did you see Howard Stern’s AMERICA’S GOT TALENT promo last night during THE VOICE?  I can’t wait til May 14th…I really think that America is going to be pleasantly surprised at how good he is going to be. 

-So good to see Bethenny and Jason back on good terms and being cute and fun as they should be.  I loved when Bethenny and Julie put on wigs and sunglasses to go spy on Cookie the dog…not Paolo the dogwalker…Cookie the dog. Bethenny and Julie just couldn’t believe that she could be friendly at the dog park so they needed to see for themselves…classic.  I have to admit…I am crazy about organization…I love The Container Store and my house is super organized, but when I saw Bethenny’s insanity…I was actually jealous…She is way better than I am and she has way more clothes than I do…she has over 50 bathing suits that she stores in Ziploc bags in a transparent container.  Soooo doing that (Of course I have 5 bathing suits so it won’t take long)

-I would have thought that the tablet owner numbers would have been bigger…

-Top 5 DVR’ed shows

-I guess since this year’s EMMY AWARDS are on ABC Jimmy Kimmel is the best choice for host, he’s funny, and he is probably not charging much since he already works at the network.  I like Jimmy Kimmel, I do, he just isn’t my favorite Jimmy and I definitely have no interest in a sleepover with him, but I’m sure he will be an awesome Emmy host. 

-For all of you T.I. AND TINY fans…good news, the show was just renewed for another seasons.  I need to check this show out…it does great social numbers and the Nielsen’s aren’t bad either.  I know a lot of you do watch…I promise one of these days I will get to it.

-As expected 3.5 million viewers tuned in to MAD MEN on Sunday night…The show delivered a 1.6 RA18-49.  Seriously…I just can’t get into it at all anymore, but again…happy for all you guys that were really looking forward to watching.  I don’t know what it is about Jon Hamm…he does nothing for me at all.

-Have you guys been watching DANCING WITH THE STARS?   I haven’t but I tuned in for a second to check out the guy that everyone is talking about…William Levy…he is pretty awesome and last night when everyone was talking about who could play Christian in the 50 Shades movies now that they are being made…his name came coming up on Facebook and online…the accent may be an issue, but seriously…a little coaching and he could be Christian…oh…and he CAN dance to boot!

-There were all of these rumors that FOX’s TERRA NOVA was going to be “saved” by Netflix…NOT…apparently it’s official at this point…TERRA NOVA is done.

Tuesday’s Trivia Question-Jimmy Kimmel is hosting the EMMY’s this year…who hosted last year?

Tuesday’s Blog Only Trivia Question-Who is hosting the KIDS CHOICE AWARDS on Nickelodeon this weekend?

Just a reminder…the blog is up 15 minutes earlier than the email goes out…just saying for all you super competitive people who are just dying to read WWTM early!

email me with ideas, questions, comments at: Kristy@watchingwaytoomuch.com

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