Thursday, March 29, 2012

Only 1 more episode of ONE TREE HILL left to go...

The answer to Wednesday’s Trivia Question: Chachi’s last name on HAPPY DAYS was Arcola!
FIRST FIVES: Bill McLaughlin, Gerald Piscopo, Todd Petrich, Jim Wall, & James Gabriele

The answer to Wednesday’s Harder Scott Baio Blog Only Trivia Question: Charles’s last name was never revealed on the show and since Ellen Travolta played his Mom there was always the idea that he was still Charles “Chachi” Arcola
FIRST FIVES-Apparently nobody had a clue!

Tuesday’s Broadcast Top 5
NCIS-CBS 3.4/18.2
NCIS LA-CBS 2.9/14.6
NEW GIRL-FOX 2.5/4.8

Tuesday’s Broadcast Top 5 Trendrr
90210-CW 44,152
RINGER (KF)-CW 24,084
NCIS-CBS 22,306

Tuesday’s Cable Top 5
THE GAME-BET 1.3/2.5
16 & PREGNANT-MTV 1.1/2.0

Tuesday’s Cable Trendrr Top 5
DANCE MOMS-Lifetime 58,795
16 & PREGNANT-MTV 57,034
TOSH.O Comedy Central-34,634

-PRE-RECORDED WITH KELLY was actually funny yesterday, Kelly, her very messy looking co-host, Josh Groban, and Gelman all tried the hula hoop…who knew it would be Gelman who would be the pro?  I also learned that my husband’s insanity over people who chew too loud has a name…misophonia…who knew?

-On Tuesday night’s JIMMY KIMMEL show, Ashton Kutcher and Justin Bieber were on to announce their partnership in bringing back PUNK’D and actually PUNK’D Jimmy when this weird guy in his underwear came out and sat on the desk.  What was funnier was the prank Justin pulled on Taylor Swift…apparently the difference this time around is that there will be different hosts each week.  PUNK’D was good back in the day…could be good again, plus Ashton and Justin are both pretty cute.

-Speaking of Ashton Kutcher, apparently he and Jon Cryer were offered 2 more years of 2 ½ MEN but no pay raise.  They each make around 700K an episode which I would take, but let’s see how this plays out…it’s still like 15MM a year right?  TAKE IT guys!

-Another cast in the midst of negotiations…MODERN FAMILY…this one could get a bit ugly from what I am reading…The cast originally started out making 20K per episode, with the exception of Ed O’Neill who made more than everyone else…then they all got raises and are currently making 65K per episode, but they are all looking for more than that…more like 200K per episode…we shall see, I can’t imagine the network can replace any of them and do the switcheroo on us, so it will just depend on how much they will be willing to pay to keep them all together.

-Hard to keep Tarzan and Troyzan straight on SURVIVOR and what are the chances that these two would end up on the same season?  What are the chances there is a real person named Tarzan…and that he is on a show called SURVIVOR?  Anyway…just when I think that Tarzan has no idea how to play the game and he admits that he does not like the social part of the game he pulls through, and the guy everyone did like was voted off SPOILER ALERT: Jonas…gone, and Tarzan is still there.  I am still rooting for my little guy…Leif.  He was awesome in the first challenge even though his team screwed it all up and lost…he did a great job.  I feel like he barely speaks though…

-I had seen the pilot episode of BENT and thought it was okay, so I checked out an episode last night and I still feel it’s just okay which is a bummer because the cast is such a good one.  You have Amanda Peet, Jeffery Tambor, J.B Smoove from CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM, Jesse Plemons from FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS and the very cute David Walton from PERFECT COUPLES and 100 QUESTIONS…but something is definitely missing and I am not sure what it is…it wasn’t funny enough, the story didn’t hold my attention really…I don’t know…definitely not a Season Pass…not even close.  Especially since they tried to make us all believe that a plain old feature phone was capable of showing HD video…who are they kidding? Nice try guys, you can’t pull the wool over my eyes!

-The second to last episode of ONE TREE HILL had some funny moments…loved the reference to “The Creek” when Julian was practicing his pitch for his TV version of Lucas’s book (hmmm trivia question???) and then Brooke, pretending to be the execs asking “will it have Vampires? Or Werewolves”  clever writing.  Also, I need to get on the same diet and exercise program that Mouth is on…apparently he can lose 50 pounds in just 2 episodes…where do I get that pill…oh yeah…make up department…I am trying to remember…Did Peyton and Brooke have a threesome with Lucas?   What was on that piece of paper that she didn’t want Julian to see in her diary?  Hilarious moment when Brooke walked in on her parents “doing it” …her Dad has a decent body too!  I really can’t stand the entire storyline with Logan, Clay and Quinn…I just fast forward through their entire storyline…next week…2 hours series finale.

-It’s about time someone took some initiative and looked into IPAD activity… Disney/ABC’s research team and Nielsen announced an initiative to understand how people use iPads for video consumption and other activities. With Apple now reporting more than 55 million iPads sold to date and 3 million new iPads sold since March 16, the importance of understanding how, when and where consumers use tablets is a top priority for the media industry.  ABC Research commissioned Nielsen to build a proprietary, opt-in Nielsen metered iPad panel to aggregate and measure video consumption, app usage and other activity over the course of a year. Approximately 200 respondents will be asked to download the meter, which will measure reach, duration, frequency and page views of their iPad apps and web usage. As a result, the study will offer the first view of actual behavior – as opposed to self-reported data – along with demographic trends and yearlong insights.  I hope they ask me to do it!
-I love when they post” BIG news” on websites that really isn’t such big news…OWN was up in 1Q by 50% against W25-54 but the numbers are so small when you look at them…Prime did a .25 on the demo and a .34 on Households with 317,000 viewers…Oprah had MILLLLLIONS when she was on at 4pm everyday…millions!
-Some premiere dates for ya:

-Some cool Apple facts:
·         More than ½ of all US homes own an Apple device
·         1 in 10 that don’t do plan to purchase one in the next year
·         28% of those making 30K per year own an Apple device
·         77% of those making 75K or more per year own an Apple device
·         63% of 18-34 and 35-49 year olds own an Apple device
·         50% of 50-64 year olds own an Apple device
·         26% of 65+ year olds own an Apple device
·         The average home in the Southern part of the US owns 1.2 Apple devices-smallest in the country
·         The average home in the entire US owns 1.6 Apple devices
·         61% of households with kids own an Apple device
·         48% of households without kids own an Apple device

-21% of users on Pinterest have purchased an item they have found on the site…just something I thought you may want to know.  I was obsessed with Pinterest, but haven’t been on the site in weeks.  Too busy with other stuff, but I will get back there sooner or later.

-And last fun fact of the day…62% of adults worldwide use Social Media every day

-Well her future may not be bright on the show within in a show, but Megan Hilty who had auditioned for the part of Marilyn against nemesis Katherine McPhee on SMASH…did get something out of the show…a record deal with Columbia records…so we will be hearing more from her.  She does have a really good voice, her character was just very unlikeable.

Thursday’s Trivia Question-What is the name of Lucas Scott’s book on ONE TREE HILL?

Thursday’s Blog Only Trivia Question-Name the 5 remaining original characters on ONE TREE HILL.

email me with ideas, questions anything at all at:

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