Saturday, March 31, 2012

This just can't wait until Monday!

-No...I didn't win the lottery if that's what you thought couldn't wait until Monday.  

I honestly believe, and maybe I am delusional here, but I think the PRE-RECORDED WITH KELLY people are reading my blog...on yesterday's show, Kelly's co-host was her husband, the super hot, Mark Consuelos (it happened to be his birthday too) and at the end of the show they always read emails and answer, apparently, someone wrote in asking about Kelly's amazing necklace and where they could get that same e-mail the author called Kelly a style icon...icon??? what???  So here is the scoop with the necklace...Kelly picked it out herself and Mark bought it for her.  It is made by Tom Binns and it was approximately 1000 bucks.  Sooooo, I may hate it and think it looks terrible on her but Kelly does in fact love the necklace.  The thing is, during my research of the hideous piece, I learned that this designer does makes some really nice pieces...but honestly why lime green and orange?  I don't get it, I never will, but I do think that this was all in response to my daily poking and prodding.  Good thing I didn't hit the delete button after I saw that Tyra Banks was a guest...normally, I NEVER watch the email segment, but when Mark Consuelos is on, I watch every second.

-RULES OF ENGAGEMENT is back...and it did great, ratings wise the other night which makes me happy.  This show has probably had 20 different time slots but people find it wherever it is.  I love it, especially the David Spade and Timmy segments.  Last night, Adam helped Jeff with a romantic scavenger hunt idea for Audrey.  The first clue was spelled out with rose petals in front of the door and it said HOTEL ESSEX but when Audrey opened the door, the petals blew all over the place and the clue became HOT SEX.  Of course Audrey gets angry and leaves the apartment and ends up where Jeff was anyway.  It was a cute episode, but I was just happy to have it back.

-Dylan and I love the show TOUCH, we watched Thursday's episode last night in between the Knick debacle and it is really hard to recap it for you guys.  I have no idea how they put this show together, but the team that, does needs to fill me in.  It is really one of the most unique shows on television.  

-Keith Olbermann is out and Elliot Spitzer is in over at Current TV.  Not sure what exactly Keith did, but it isn't good.  Keith is on Twitter threatening a law suit and the press release says Keith "failed to honor the terms of his contract".  I have a feeling this is going to get ugly.

-As my car approaches the 200,000 mile mark (it currently has 195,909 as of this posting) I was thinking about all that it has gone through with my family and then I saw this commercial...I love this:

-I guess it's only fair to give you a trivia question if you did show up to visit the blog right?

Okay...special Saturday Morning WWTM Trivia Question: Prior to all the little kid cartoon type shows on Saturdays, I watched a music based show that started out in Philadelphia, aired weekdays for years and then moved to Saturday mornings and featured the "America's oldest the show"  

You can respond to this by emailing me at:

Enjoy your weekend!


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