Thursday, March 22, 2012


Morning guys…Trying some new formatting ideas…let me know what you think!

The answer to Wednesday’s Trivia Question: Rosario was Karen Walkers maid/housekeeper on WILL & GRACE
FIRST FIVES: Stephanie Baxter, Alyson Twilley, Abby Hanichen, Lori Decillis & He Who Shall Not Be Named

The answer to the NCAA Blog Trivia Question: Austin Carr scored 61 points for Notre Dame
Only two people got this one right: Jim Wall & Larry Goldberg

Tuesday’s Broadcast Top 5
NCIS-CBS 3.3/18.6
NCIS LA-CBS 2.8/16.0
NEW GIRL-FOX 2.6/5.1

Tuesday’s Broadcast Trendrr Top 5
90210-CW 43,737
NCIS-CBS 41,221

Tuesday’s Cable Top 5
TOSH.O-Comedy Central 1.5/2.5
THE GAME-BET 1.2/2.3

Tuesday’s Cable Trendrr Top 5
DANCE MOMS-Lifetime 67,171
TOSH.O-Comedy Central 41,591

-With the pre-recorded LIVE WITH KELLY shows, not much to tell you…yesterday was Martin Short…not into him…deleted it

-Okay, so RINGER…if anyone from the CW is reading this…here is my idea…rerun the entire series from the beginning over the Summer.  The show rocks, it’s awesome and if the writers can pull off next season, what they pulled off this season, then just have some faith, promote the heck out of it and give everyone a chance to find out how great this show really is.  We were all relieved that Andrew didn’t die this week, that Henry finally figured out that Sioban/Shivoon has been lying to him all along, and that SPOILER ALERT…he accidently killed Tyler Barrett (the guy that could be a dead ringer (had to put that in…just had to) for Ricky Martin.  What we now aren’t so sure about is…where is Malcolm?  I don’t think he would take a bribe do you?

-I promised my son that I wouldn’t watch SURVIVOR without him while he was out seeing Spiderman on Broadway last night, but then I just had to text him and tell him I had to watch it “for work” because I couldn’t take not watching.  So glad I did!  What a perfect example of Karma at its finest…Colton...the guy we all HATE and really had no redeeming value in my mind…ends up… SPOILER ALERT with an appendicitis and has to leave the game…thank you Karma gods…thank you.  Colton was such a…how do I put this…heck there isn’t another word so I will just go for it…d*ck, that even as he is writhing in pain, he decides that he wants to keep his hidden immunity idol as a souvenir rather than give it to a teammate to actually use it.  While I am thrilled that the Karma gods did what was necessary, there is some bad news…the rest of the cast is sort of boring…so now…I need to get to know them all a bit more to decide who to root for instead of who to root against which was what I had been doing all this time.  All of that drama made the fact that the tribes finally merged not such a big deal…if I were the producers I would have played it out a bit longer without the merge, especially because now we are… in a way, back to square one…6 guys and 6 girls.  I have an idea…just bag this game and send them all to the BIG BROTHER house without a break.  Talk about drama.

-ONE TREE HILL SPOILER ALERT: Dan Scott is officially dead…no, I mean it this time.  Seriously…he’s really dead!  Shockingly…I actually cared and I was really happy to see that they brought back Keith to escort Dan to heaven…even Dan was shocked by that one…he was pretty sure during most of the episode that he was going to hell (Weren’t we all???).  Classic line of the night…Dan sees ex-wife Deb at the foot of his deathbed…opens his eyes and says “Am I in hell???” of course then he asks her to “service” him before he goes…not really sure if she accommodated him on that last request or not.  I have to admit, that a tear did come to my eye when Nathan and Hailey were finally reunited.  The odds have always been against them and through it all, it looks like they will be together forever in TV land.  The entire Clay/Logan thing bored me to death, so I just took that time to read more pages of 50 Shades of Grey (talk about multitasking).  Julian has finally figured out that he is going to make Luke’s book into a TV show…I am guessing that even THAT won’t bring Chad Michael Murray back to Tree Hill.  And to finish off the night…Brooke Davis was duped again by her father and again realizes it and again throws him out of her house and her life.  Hopefully this time she will remember not to be fooled again in the future by that jerk.

-I said I was going to check out DUCK DYNASTY on A&E and I did…but I won’t be checking it out again.  Once you show a guy chopping off the heads and then ripping the skins off of bullfrogs…I am out.  I honestly can’t believe that these people became millionaires selling duck callers that you use during duck hunting.  Are there that many duck hunters out there?  I guess so. I did go on the website…each one is handmade.  They are pricey little suckers too…anywhere from $20-$130 bucks.  In addition to the fact that I couldn’t understand a few of the cast members, I didn’t agree with most of what they were saying when I did, and I didn’t like what they were doing,  I was completely annoyed that beneath all of their ZZ-Top beards, I think that most of them are pretty cute looking guys…but they just look so rednecky for me…I know that’s superficial, I tried not to judge all of these books by their covers…but net net…this show is SO not for me.   

-WWE and NBCUniversal are going to be partnering up to televise ONCE IN A LIFETIME-ROCK vs. CENA, a one hour special that follows “The Rock” and John Cena on their road to WrestleMania XXVIII (what is that 28? It’s weird when it’s not related to the SUPERBOWL right???) This is the first time wrestling fans will have behind the scenes access to the favorite WWE stars and because it’s such a big deal (I guess to fans of wrestling it is…)It will air on Syfy, Bravo, E!, G4, Style, NBC Sports Net, mun2, CLOO and Universal HD on 3/26, the Monday before WrestleMania Sunday 4/1. So if you are into this stuff, you have a ton of options on where to watch it.  (Unless Chief Jay Strongbow comes back from the dead, I won’t be watching…he is dead isn’t he?)

-For anyone who may have missed the season premiere of DANCING WITH THE STARS, myself included, ABC is going to run an encore performance of it this coming Saturday…for all of us with no life…good time to check out Jack Wagner!

-There are a few things that surprise me about this chart…mainly that the declines we keep hearing about in radio, newspaper and magazines…the more traditional forms of media, didn’t seem to change as much in the past 4 years as we are lead to believe.  Yes…we know that people are spending more time online and on their mobile devices, but it doesn’t appear that they are spending that much LESS time with radio, newspapers and magazines…interesting numbers here.

-For all of you guys with Iphones and Ipads, I hope you have downloaded and are using your VIGGLE app when you are watching TV.  For all of you Droid peeps…it’s coming in a few more weeks from what I hear.  Viggle just won 2 of Mediaposts APPY AWARDS.  One for best television/video app and one for best entertainment/professional content.  To date, Viggle has had 7 million check-ins and has awarded 123,000 prizes for viewing (3 movie tickets to me alone!).  Some of the other Mediapost App Winners:
·         Best in Show-Flipboard
·         Best Branded Content App: My Stain for Clorox
·         Best Business App: SlideShark
·         Best Cooking App: Icookbook
·         Best Magazine App: The Daily
·         Best Music App: Songza

Here is the full list of App winners:

Also last week’s Top 5 Viggle Check In’s

-Yesterday was Twitter’s 6th birthday (I think I just sent my first tweet a few months ago…so late to the party on this) and with that…140 million active users.  Happy Birthday Twitter

-For all of you ANGRY BIRDS fans…the new ANGRY BIRDS IN SPACE APP is now available to download…so go crazy.

Thursday’s Trivia Question:  Still focusing on maids & housekeepers…What was the name of the Banks family’s housekeeper on THE FRESH PRINCE OF BEL AIR?

Thursday’s NCAA Blog Only Trivia Question: What was the site of the first NCAA Championship game in 1939?  Let’s see who knows this one???


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