Thursday, March 8, 2012


Super early report today, as we have a huge offsite that starts early…so blog and email went live at the same time…

The answer to the EASY trivia question: JOEY was the spin-off from FRIENDS
FIRST FIVES: Dana Moscato, Jim Sontag, Pete Insley, Karen Heniger and Andrea Walters
The answer to the HARD trivia question: The 4 Spin-Offs from ALL IN THE FAMILY were: GLORIA, THE JEFFERSONS, MAUDE and GOOD TIMES and only Vincent Mondano got that one right!

Tuesday’s Broadcast Top 5
NEW GIRL-FOX 3.0/5.9
NCIS-CBS 2.4/14.3
NCIS-LA 1.9/11.8

Tuesday’s Broadcast Trendrr Top 5
90210-CW 36,996
NCIS-CBS 25,516

Tuesday’s Cable Top 5
TOSH.O-Comedy Central 1.6/2.5
THE GAME-BET 1.3/2.4

Tuesday’s Cable Trendrr Top 5
DANCE MOMS-Lifetime 56,707
TOSH.O-Comedy Central 31,522
INKMASTER (CFF)-Spike 29,486

-I have to get right to it…did you guys watch SURVIVOR last night…oh my gosh!  As Jeff Probst said…in 24 seasons of SURVIVOR, no tribe has EVER handed over their immunity idol to the other tribe just so they could vote someone off.  This Colton is one of the most complex players I have ever seen.  I have no idea how such an unlikeable person can have his entire tribe following him, especially a team of straight men…Colton is horrible in every way, but yet, he is really, if you think about it, an unbelievable player.  However…no matter what, going into the merge, whether you love your tribemates or hate them, it’s still a numbers game and that could be where the men screw themselves big time.  Colton’s prejudicial rant during tribal council left me speechless…I still can’t get over what I witnessed and unfortunately what my son witnessed.  I was hoping that maybe after his rant, the men would somehow communicate to each other to blindside Colton instead of Bill, but obviously that just didn’t happen…holy cow…crazy, but great television.

-Many people may have not been familiar with Kelly’s co-host on LIVE WITH KELLY yesterday.  Unless you live in NYC and watch a lot of NY1, you may not know who Pat Kiernan is.  I didn’t like him on the show at all, he was like a punkin chunkin kinda a guy or something, I don’t know.  I really hope he isn’t in the running for the job, but I am guessing that at this point everyone who sits next to Kelly is in the running.  Kelly was nearly perfect in every way style wise…great outfit, great hair, great shoes…of course that freaking necklace ruined everything but it was still all in all a good fashion day.  

-On a side note…for all of you New Yorkers, Sue Simmons, WNBC news anchor was let go/fired whatever you want to call it. Honestly…of course I feel bad when anyone loses their job, but in the commercials featuring Sue…she just looks miserable…like she doesn’t really give a bleep anymore…so I think it was actually about time.  She had 30 years here in NY…we loved ya Sue, but go relax now and chill out.

-Finally watched the finale of INKMASTER which just barely made the top 5 for the night in the cable ratings, but as you can see made the Top 5 in Trendrr.  As I predicted, Shane, was the big winner and he should have been, he was amazing in every challenge and is very talented.  Maybe if I can figure out the tattoo I want, he can do mine, although, I wouldn’t want anything elaborate and I would still want it in a spot that I could hide when necessary, so now that I think about it, not sure that Shane would even bother with me now that he is THE INKMASTER…congrats Shane

-The best part of ONE TREE HILL last night was during the scenes for the last four episodes when they said…”Only 4 Episodes Left!”…thank goodness…I don’t know how much more I can stand really.  Evil Dan, as predicted, is going to use his evil powers for good to save Nathan, of course the Tree Hill police aren’t even looking for Nathan but Dan found him in 2 episodes.  Clay blocked out he has a kid for 6 years and then bam…Hi Logan…whose your Daddy?  I am…yeesh.  Then Skills is back in town a minute, and tells Mouth…you’re fat, you need to work out and I guess that’s all it took because, he came right home, cleaned out the freezer and went to the gym…I am guessing that by the finale he will be back to fighting weight. Please end this CW, four weeks seems like an eternity to me now.

-What I don’t want to end is RINGER…another great suspenseful episode, and now we finally know why Agent “Eyeliner” Machado has been so obsessed with Mackawi and getting him arrested and sentenced…he killed the love of his life…a pregnant stripper who was working for him.  Love, guilt…now I get it.  Within the last 5 minutes of this week’s episode, Tyler is murdered and we aren’t sure who did it, and Andrew shows up at Malcolm’s door just after he agrees to testify against Mackawi…too good.

-The best parts of SMASH seem to be the ones that truly focus on the show’s production.  I seem to get a little bored with some of the ancillary stories.  Like Dev and his whole political career…don’t care.  Debra Messing’s son Leo, who can’t act AT ALL…don’t care…even the relationship she has with Michael Swift her ex mister…wait, what is the male name for mistress?  Is there one?  I don’t think so…okay, I am calling him her mister anyway…I don’t find him appealing in any way, so I can’t see why she would either.  Loved Katherine McPhee singing in her underwear in her apartment…I don’t know what diet she went on since IDOL, but she has some rockin abs now and if I had those, I would be singing in my underwear too.  

-Lots going on with one of my favorite shows…THE VOICE.  Starting the week of 4/2, THE VOICE will expand to 2 nights.  This is such a problem for me…I love THE VOICE, but 2 nights?  OY, that’s a lot of pressure to put on my time especially as we approach season finale time.  I wonder if Purrrfect the cat will be pulling double duty also…I am sure with all of the success, the show can afford to up the catnip costs.  This week, THE VOICE was up 15% vs. last week on RA18-49 and was up 13% in total viewers.  Pretty impressive given the competitors out there.

-Even controversy couldn’t help AMERICAN MUSLIM…TLC already cancelled it.  I watched the premiere episode and found the show sort of boring, I am assuming it stayed boring or the title alone kept viewers away.  Oh well…

-Oh…did ya hear what the big Apple announcement was?  No? IPAD 3…better camera, 4G, HD.  Probably already sold out…Actually I think the IPAD 4 is already sold out.

- Kelly Osbourne will host the fifth 2012 NewNowNext Awards airing on Logo April 9. I hope she changes her hair…it looks more like OldYesterdayBefore to me.

-Basically, what this chart tells me is that 22% of users are engaging in real time with TV programs they are watching…I am betting that if they looked at the figures and compared them to last year the increase is significant and it will continue to grow…fast. 

EASY SPIN-OFF Trivia Question: What show was TIME OF YOUR LIFE spun-off from?
HARD SPIN-OFF Trivia Question: What show did THE TORTELLI'S spin-off from?


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