Monday, April 16, 2012

A Very Confusing Night of TV...4/16/12

Hi guys!

No clue what the last trivia questions and answers were…vacation brain!

Hope you all missed me a little bit while I was running around Disney and winning the Carruba Family 2012 Spring Vacation Mini Golf Tournament, I definitely missed all of you and loved hearing from some of you while I was gone…

I posted a reallllllly long week in review blog yesterday, so if you are bored to tears during a meeting today, or you are on a conference call that you really only need to listen to…check out the blog here:

Friday’s Broadcast Top 5
20/20-ABC 1.6/5.1
GRIMM-NBC 1.6/4.9
LIONEL RICHIE-CBS 1.4/7.6 (If I was home…I would have so watched this one…I love Lionel…who doesn’t?)

Friday’s Broadcast Trendrr Top 5
GRIMM-NBC 33,114

Friday’s Cable Top 5

Friday’s Cable Trendrr Top 5
WWE-SYFY 29,065
FRED-Nick 17,307

-Sunday night was a confusing night of TV for me…I wasn’t sure if it was that I was still suffering from vacation brain or if TV in general was just confusing…first of all, ONCE UPON A TIME was a rerun, so that threw me off my game.  Then it was time for GAME OF THRONES, look let’s be honest, there are a million names to remember, quite a few Kings and families fighting for power, a ton of lies and manipulations and it is really hard to keep it all straight.  I always feel like I have a general idea of what’s going on, but I don’t really think I could explain it to someone, especially without being able to keep all of the names straight.  Here is what I came away with…Peter Dinklage is a medieval rock star, John Snow is okay, Bran is in dream therapy back in Winterfell, there is a King I never saw before that is gay, again, not enough Kaleesi, the bald unic guy and the guy that runs the brothel but looks like a monk and is in love with Lady Stark pretty much know everything about everyone….there’s more, but you get the gist…great confusing TV…only on HBO

-If that wasn’t all confusing enough…GIRLS finally premiered on HBO last night and I was pretty much psyching myself up for something insanely amazing with all the press I’ve been reading, all the hype, the “A” rating in Entertainment Weekly and honestly…maybe I’m too old to get it, but I really didn’t.  I didn’t like anyone in the show, (no, not even Brian Williams daughter) I didn’t really like any of the storyline and I really had no interest in coming back next Sunday to watch another episode, especially when the entire time I was watching it, I kept thinking…ICE LOVES COCO is on…ICE LOVES COCO is on…did you guys watch? Did you like it?  I hope I am not the only one that feels like this…I was truly scratching my head from this one.  First LUCK and now GIRLS…HBO…you are freaking me out a little bit…if NEWSROOM and VEEP suck, I am going to be devastated.

-Over on NURSE JACKIE, things aren’t getting any better…Jackie is really out of her mind, and everyone at the hospital is too…without Jackie there to help them all.  I did love how they all kept saying “what would Jackie do?” or “Jackie would have loved that” but I gotta say…extremely sad and extremely depressing.  Ginny from ONE DAY AT A TIME was Jackie’s roommate who stoked out and Carmelo Anthony is in rehab as a baseball player…he did okay…I don’t know…with all of the options on Sunday’s it is getting harder and harder to decide what makes my roster at this point.  Next Sunday…who knows?

-The only true smile on my face for the night was during ICE LOVES COCO…Spartacus got a doggy massage and then was thrown a doggy baby shower, Ice’s movie got accepted by Sundance and received great reviews and Coco was offered a great part in a movie but because it meant 2 months away from Ice, she turned it down…I know I say this every week, and I know you guys are probably sick of hearing it, but I just love these two…I really do.

-I didn’t have enough time to watch CELEBRITY APPRENTICE or my second attempt at THE CLIENT LIST, but I will do my best to catch up on this tomorrow before THE VOICE…seriously…Sunday’s are just brutal and filled with so much pressure to get it all in…

-While on my vacation, I read 2 books, Ali Wentworth's hilarious book, Ali in Wonderland, and the Steve Jobs biography which was truly you know, Tim Cook is the current CEO of Apple and had covered for Steve during all of his "leaves"...In 2011, Tim was paid $378 million bucks...more than any other CEO  in America, mainly because he received a one- time award of Apple Stock.
  • Tim's salary was equivalent to 12 years of Bob Iger, the CEO of Disney’s salary
  • Tim's salary could pay for 25.4 years of Vikram Pandit, the CEO of Citigroup’s salary
  • Tim's salary could buy 75,751,503 Iphoto apps at $4.99 each
  • Tim's salary could buy 1,899,497 Iphone 4S's at $199 bucks each
  • Tim's salary could pay for 33.5 years of Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO of GE’s salary
  • Tim's salary could pay for 3,296 MBA's at Duke where he earned his business degree
  • Tim's salary could pay for 60,919 years of employment for Apple's Chinese suppliers where employees are paid $17 bucks a day
-I may be late to the party on this one, but while I was away, Jimmy Fallon released this awesome DOWNTON ABBEY sketch.  I think Jimmy and I should do a sequel when he sleeps over…

-Speaking of DOWNTON ABBEY, Maggie Smith has requested that season 3 be her last…While I am really bummed, because she is just hilarious and brilliant in this show, I get it…she has hard choices to make and if she wants out, she should do what she wants…I respect that in a person.

-We didn’t get to chat about the big Britney Spears announcement…she will be getting paid $15 million bucks to be a judge on the X-FACTOR and to be honest, I have no feelings whatsoever about it.  I like Britney, I have no idea if she will be good for the show or not, it will be interesting to see who the other woman is and who the new co-host will be…I guess I will have more to say once I see it all come together.

-Another thing that happened while I was gone…ABC cancelled THE REVOLUTION, saved GENERAL HOSPITAL and decided to add an afternoon version of GOOD MORNING AMERICA but keep the name GMA which makes no sense to me if the show isn’t airing in the morning, but hey who am I to question this very bizarre decision…I always say, I wish I was in the room to hear these conversations and how they all get made…I am sure the eye rolling would be out of control.  (On my part that is)

Monday’s Trivia Question: What college did Marshall and Ted meet at on HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER?

Monday’s Blog Only Trivia Question: What year is it when the kids are listening to Ted tell all of these stories?


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