Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Bethenny, Kelly, Shannon, and the Not so real NYC Housewives...

The answer to Monday's Trivia Question: Mr. Rogers died at the age of 79 in 2003.
FIRST FIVES:Lisa McCusker, Jim Wall, Bobby Aguilera, Lance Beitler, & Phyllis DiCesare

Friday's Cable Top 5
AMERICAN DAD-Adult Swim 1.0/2.6
WWE-Syfy .7/2.4
AMERICAN DAD-Adult Swim .7/1.7
Sunday's Broadcast Top 5
Sunday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5
Sunday's Cable Top 5

Sunday's Cable Trendrr Top 5
EURO 2012 SOCCER-ESPN 1,457,375
EURO 2012 SOCCER-ESPN 298,685

TOP 5 DVR'ed shows for 11/12 Season

-OMG...the choices are just brutal these days...I try to expand my horizons by checking out new things and it's getting tougher and tougher to find anything good.  Yesterday, I did check out Bethenny Frankel's new daytime talk show, aptly named...BETHENNY.  Granted she is just trying out things in this 6 week test, but she has a LOT of work to do if this thing is going to go national.  The show is a mess...I don' t think they know what they want to do with her.  First she comes out and dances for 2 solid minutes alone on the stage...AWKWARD.  Then she brings out DL Hughley, Kevin Nealon and some guy who is currently the host of another mess...THE CHOICE.  They sit down and she whips out topics like teachers dating students, (Is that wrong?) breast feeding in public, (Is that wrong?) penis size (is it true what they say D.L?), oh and if she and Jason are seeing divorce lawyers. (For the record...no).  These guys leave, Vanessa Williams comes out, boring.  She leaves, then Bethenny tries to make us believe that she doesn't spend a fortune to look the way she does and she uses Miracle Whip to smooth her skin, and makes her own bath salts....Oyyyyy Bethenny...not good.  In the middle of all of this is a bartender who at 11AM serves Skinny Girl cocktails to Bethenny and her guests...it's truly a mess, but I'm guessing they are trying to figure it all out.  Good Luck Bethenny, you'll need it.

-Jerry O'Connell was back on LIVE WITH KELLY.  While I am guessing that technically he is semi out of the running for the co-host gig since he took the Herman Munster thing, I guess for now he is going to ride out both options as long as he can.  Hey...a guys gotta work right? The interview Kelly and Jerry did with Noah Wyle was really bad.  I think Noah was sort of a d*ck but I'm not positive if he was just irritated that their interviewing skills sucked or just is too cool now to do talk shows.  There was a funny bit at the end where they had all these dogs and a mean vet lady who was trying to convince everyone that we should put sunscreen on our dogs and make them wear sunglasses and hats to protect them from the sun...better idea people...leave them indoors!  I love my dogs, but if I even thought of making them wear hats, putting sunscreen on them or even got out a pair of doggy sunglasses my husband would freak out and have me committed.  

- I feel bad for Shannon Tweed Simmons on GENE SIMMONS FAMILY JEWELS, but I have to admit, I was really actually quite confused for most of last nights episodes.  Okay...we get it, nobody but Shannon is into the adoption thing...Sophie isn't speaking to her and goes to Whistler BC (I'll get back to this in a minute).  Nick, who moved out of the mansion and into a dump with 3 hot girls (you should have seen Gene's face when he checked out this arrangement...such a proud papa) is the polar opposite, he will tell anyone who will listen (including the social worker) that this is a bad idea, a passing fad and a huge mistake.  Gene, isn't saying much and just hoping that Shannon comes to her senses.  Anyway, Shannon and Gene are so upset about Sophie that they drop everything and head up to Whistler where Sophie seems to be living a great existence.  She lives in a gorgeous home (whose paying for that place?) has a cute boyfriend conveniently named Nick, a dog, two jobs,  and a place called "Sophie's Place" for abused children.  HUH??? Her parents had no clue??? Where'd Sophie get the dough??? Of course the episode left us hanging with a TO BE CONTINUED sign off.  While I'm concerned about Sophie and Shannon, I am way more obsessed about Sophie's secret life in Whistler...Spin-Off???

-Next up was the new ABC FAMILY show BUNHEADS, brought to me by Amy Sherman Palladino who created one of my favorite shows ever, THE GILMORE GIRLS.  She even hired Emily Gilmore to be in this one as pretty much the same character...only this one dances more.  Anyway, the show started out pretty lame, but then got juicy in the last 15 minutes and then...HUGE TWIST that caught me by surprise and of course now I need to watch the next episode.  Premise is this: Broadway chick,  Sutton Foster,  plays a great dancer who ends up a mess in Vegas. Cameron from Ferris Bueller's Day Off is her stalker, who catchers her on a bad day, marries her and brings her home to his place on the ocean where he lives with his Mom.  Of course the Mom (Emily Gilmore) is an ex-dancer who is now a ballet teacher.  She's pissed that her son went and married some slut, but over drinks they bond and...dance.  SPOILER ALERT:  Last minute of the show we learn that Cameron from Ferris Bueller   was killed in a car crash (hope he got paid well for his 1 episode)...NOW WHAT?  Tune in next week and of course ...now I will.

-It's official, I am done with REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NYC.  Done.  Last nights episode did me in.  There is nobody interesting and they all seem so fake at this point that I just don't believe any of them nor do I care.  Sorry Andy Cohen...It's NY C U later for me.

-Congrat's to the LA Kings and sorry for your loss Devil's fans, but I'm happy it's all over.  Last nights AMERICA'S GOT TALENT was pre-empted due to the game.  Since I am so NOT a hockey fan, this didn't make me happy.

-Sad news yesterday, when I read about GMA's Robin Roberts being diagnosed with MDS a disease of the blood and bone marrow (formerly known as preleukemia). Robin just can't catch a break...she just beat breast cancer and now this. She seems to be a fighter and I really love her so I am rooting for her and know she is going to beat this thing just like she beat breast cancer.  Kick ass RR!

-The season five finale of MAD MEN on AMC Sunday night marked the highest-rated finale in the series history with 2.7 million viewers;   The fifth season of Mad Men was also the most-watched season to date with an average of 2.6 million viewers, an increase of +15% over the fourth season's average.

-Also on Sunday, the season premiere of  TRUE BLOOD on HBO delivered 5.2 million viewers which was down 4% vs. the season four premiere. The combined audience for the 9p premiere and the 11p encore delivered 6.3 million total viewers.  

-Internet advertising revenues for Q1 2012 reached $8.4 billion, setting a new record, according to the latest IAB Internet Advertising Report.  This is a 15% increase over the $7.3 billion reported in Q1 2011.

-According to a new forecast from eMarketer:
  • The number of iPad users in the US will increase by 90.1% to 53.2 million in 2012. 
  • The iPad will be in the hands of more than 75% of tablet users in the US.
  • The growth number is actually down from the previous year, in which the iPad witnessed a 143.9% jump. 
  • eMarketer says that number will continue to decline
  • By 2015, the number of iPad users will grow at a rate of 11.9%. However, that is to be expected as the device achieves greater market penetration
  •  eMarketer expects Apple's tablet to be owned by one-third of all US internet users by 2015. 
  • Overall tablet penetration will be 29.1% of internet users by the end of 2012. 
  •  The dominant age group will continue to be 25-44 year-olds, even though the highest penetration will come in the under-12 and 65-and-above age groups.
  • 54% of tablet users in 2012 will be men. By the end of 2012, that ratio will even out.
-Cable news network ratings are down year over year, but guessing that the reason why is because you can get all the same info at your fingertips online...check out the facts:

 Top 10 US Broadcast Media Websites, Ranked by Market Share of Visits, March 2012

-Tuesday's Trivia Question: Prior to Robin Roberts working on GOOD MORNING AMERICA, where did she work?  Bonus if you know her catchphrase.


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